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Performance Rating
Overall performance is good, but it cannot meet the top performers in this category. The Seasonic Platinum 1000, which is on top of this chart, is an older model, not available anymore, so the top in this category is the EVGA 1000 P6, which is 3.33% away.
Noise Rating
The graph below depicts the cooling fan's average noise over the PSU's operating range, with an ambient temperature between 30 to 32 degrees Celsius (86 to 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
Given its capacity, it is not a noisy PSU. It is among the quietest in the 1000W category.
Efficiency Rating
The following graph shows the PSU's average efficiency throughout its operating range with an ambient temperature close to 30 degrees Celsius.
Average efficiency is high enough. Still, we would like to see a closer to 90% overall reading.
Power Factor Rating
The following graphs show the PSU's average power factor reading throughout its operating range with an ambient temperature close to 30 degrees Celsius and 115V/230V voltage input.
The APFC converter has room for improvement, with both voltage inputs (115V and 230V).
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Current page: Performance, Noise, Efficiency and Power Factor
Prev Page Transient Response Tests, Timing Tests, Ripple Measurements and EMC Pre-Compliance Testing Next Page Bottom LineAris Mpitziopoulos is a contributing editor at Tom's Hardware, covering PSUs.