Web Browser Grand Prix 7: Firefox 7, Chrome 14, Opera 11.51

Benchmark Analysis

We dropped the placing tables for performance, reliability, efficiency, conformance, and total placing. The Web Browser Grand Prix is now at a point where each category of performance testing is summed up properly in the analysis table, mostly thanks to composite scoring. Reliability is a single test, and therefore pretty easy to follow. Efficiency has its own conclusion on the corresponding page, and the conformance composite grade is the best way to track that outcome. Total placing is now totally irrelevant due to the addition of multiple composite scores, and tallying total placing at this point would be a step backwards.

The analysis table is now the only way to score each contender. In the event of an analysis table tie, going back to the individual benchmarks and looking at the scale of victory between browsers breaks the even finish.

Analysis Table

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 WinnerStrongAcceptableWeak
Performance Benchmarks
Startup TimeChromeOperaFirefox, Internet ExplorerSafari
Page Load TimeChromeSafariInternet ExplorerFirefox, Opera
JavaScriptChromeFirefoxInternet Explorer, OperaSafari
DOMOperaFirefoxChrome, SafariInternet Explorer
CSSChrome, SafariInternet Explorer, OperaRow 5 - Cell 3 Firefox
FlashInternet Explorer, Opera, SafariRow 6 - Cell 2 Chrome, FirefoxRow 6 - Cell 4
JavaFirefoxChromeInternet Explorer, Opera, SafariRow 7 - Cell 4
SilverlightOperaChromeFirefox, Internet ExplorerSafari
HTML5Internet ExplorerFirefoxChrome, Opera, SafariRow 9 - Cell 4
HTML5 Hardware AccelerationInternet ExplorerFirefoxRow 10 - Cell 3 Chrome, Opera, Safari
WebGLChromeFirefoxRow 11 - Cell 3 Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari
Efficiency Benchmarks
Memory Usage: LightInternet ExplorerFirefox, SafariChrome, OperaRow 13 - Cell 4
Memory Usage: HeavyFirefoxSafariOperaChrome, Internet Explorer
Memory ManagementFirefoxChrome, Internet ExplorerOpera, SafariRow 15 - Cell 4
Reliability Benchmarks
Proper Page LoadsOperaSafariChrome, FirefoxInternet Explorer
Conformance Benchmarks
HTML5ChromeFirefox, OperaSafariInternet Explorer
JavaScriptFirefoxInternet Explorer, ChromeSafariOpera
DOMAll 5Row 21 - Cell 2 Row 21 - Cell 3 Row 21 - Cell 4

Without further adieu, let's crown the Web Browser Grand Prix 7 champion.

  • gerchokas
    Well done Mozilla!
    Now they could change their famous icon to a more minimalist/modern style and we're done. Speedy AND classy, just like a fire fox.
  • shiftmx112
    Enjoy it while you can Firefox fans

    Indeed. I have been quite content with FF8 though.
  • soccerdocks
    Until another browser beats Chrome in the speed/performance benchmarks I'm sticking with it.
  • iam2thecrowe
    im sticking with IE, its perfectly fast enough and stable and why should I have to install another browser when it works perfectly fine?
    I'm on FF10. :D Nightly 64-bit!
  • compton
    I have to say, I do really like chrome. I stopped using Firefox as much one I tried the chrome beta, and now I use IE9 and chrome all the time. I used opera for a while, but Netflix streaming doesn't work with it, nor do many other sites I use.

    Now that IE is good again, I can't fault anyone for using it in lieu of the others.
  • makaveli316
    "Until another browser beats Chrome in the speed/performance benchmarks I'm sticking with it."

    lol people still think they can feel the difference in terms of speed in real world performance and there's still people that doesn't use a browser for their needs and preferences, but just because they have seen some silly benchmark.
    Ridiculous. I bet those are the same people that are always complaining in the forums about crashes, viruses and blue screens.
  • killik
    Even better yet,if you use FF7 with the MemoryFox addon,Firefox simply obliterates the competition.try it for yourself.
  • killik
    Even better yet,if you use FF7 with the MemoryFox addon,Firefox simply obliterates the competition in the memory management department.try it for yourself.
  • frostmachine
    I noticed firefox will use progressively more memory. Even if it's just refreshing the same pages. I use firefox, opera n chrome, keeping them open 24hr/day. It can go from intial 100mb to over 500mb. I don't see this in the other browsers.