Barebones PC Cooling Tower: A Showy Case From Koolance

A PC Case With Water Cooler

In a past article "A Home-Grown Water Cooler for 115 Dollars " we showed just how easy and inexpensive it is to build an efficient water cooling system. In response to this article, numerous readers contacted us requesting us to test an entire PC system (fully assembled). Understandably, not everyone wants to piece together a water cooling system on their own, especially if it consists of numerous components. What's more, you also have to spend quite a bit of time getting the right components. And even if you have the right components, the assembly often poses problems - standard PC cases are not meant to be used with a water cooling system, so installing one involves drilling holes and removing components.

The barebones system from Koolance. Everything is installed inside the case apart from the hardware components.