NEC Working on 3D All-in-One PC for Gamers

NEC is jumping onto the 3D bandwagon by offering an all-in-one desktop solution slated for sometime in 2010. According to Impress PC Watch, the AIO features a display that requires an inexpensive pair of polarized glasses to create the 3D effect. The rig will also come with a built-in Blu-ray player, indicating that the AIO is capable of HD video playback.

At this point the details are somewhat scarce, as the device recently made an appearance at a demonstration in Japan after its official announcement. With that said, additional hardware specs are not available at this time, however press images distributed by NEC reveal the ValueStar brand located at the top left-hand corner of the LCD frame. ValueStar also supports Windows 7.

Akihabara News adds that NEC's 3D AIO is scheduled to hit Japanese retail shelves by year end--Impress PC Watch said it's possible it will make a debut in the first half of 2010. Either way, don't expect this AIO to hit the States until Q4 2010 or sometime in 2011.

  • RazberyBandit
    Just what I always wanted - an AIO with a $1000+ NEC monitor built-in!

    Gamers don't want AIOs. They want something that can be easily modded and upgraded! The last thing we want when the hardware becomes outdated is to get stuck with some proprietary crap that would leave even the monitor unusable...
  • UbeRveLT
    RazberyBanditJust what I always wanted - an AIO with a $1000+ NEC monitor built-in!Gamers don't want AIOs. They want something that can be easily modded and upgraded! The last thing we want when the hardware becomes outdated is to get stuck with some proprietary crap that would leave even the monitor unusable...
    I think that sums up everyones comments in 1 hit.
  • JohnnyLucky
    I am used to high end NEC monitors for professional use. I am having a hard time imagining an NEC all-in-one.
  • jellico
    You guys are right on the money. Most of us already build our own gaming rigs which will outperform 99% of this mass-produced crap before its even available for purchase. If you want 3D gaming, then the only special hardware you will require is a 120-Hz monitor and the glasses. However, I wouldn't even bother until 3D graphics start to penetrate the gaming industry.
  • megamanx00
    But can it play Crysis?
  • cptnjarhead
    No thanks.. i will build my own.. with better hardware and cheaper prices.
    why not try the console market.. its full of people who have no idea what they are paying for. :)
  • cptnjarhead
    @ jellico
    .. you said "penetrate"
  • maestintaolius
    I just don't understand why 3D has become such a big thing lately, it's been around forever. My old ASUS GeForce2 V7700 had 3D using polarized glasses. I remember playing Unreal Tournament with it and the 3D being pretty awesome for the flak cannon but the 2D health/ammo overlay was unreadable.
  • elcentral
    iw playd aroun whit my friend Nvidia 3d a bit and its far from great, when you go from great Hd quality to half blury and at the same time it make your head hurt. i need to see great improvements to find this one interesting. and lose the glasses dunno how but they haw to go.