Dell Inspiron Duo Now Shipping December 15

We got a good eye-full of the Dell Duo two weeks ago when Dell let us spend a couple of hours studying the ins and outs of the machine. Though we found out an awful lot of things about the computer, shipping date was not one of them. We knew first half of December but other that that, we were in the dark.

Well, someone over at Dell has switched on the lights since then. Those of you who preordered the Duo will be glad to know that its now listing a ship date of December 15 – you should get your new computer in time for Christmas!

For full specs and more on the Dell Duo, hit up our original story on the Inspiron Duo.

  • SteelCity1981
    What version of Windows 7 Home premuim 32bit or 64bit? If it's the 64bit version it should at least come with 4gb of ram especially for the 600 dollar price tag.
  • lashabane
    @Steel it's 32-bit.

    Original ArticleDell and Microsoft are running a special on the duo and the docking station. You can buy both for $599 if you order between now and December 2.
    I just checked their website and the Duo is $549 and the docking station is an extra $100, no special deal here. I have to say, it looks good and I wouldn't mind having one but not for the $650 price tag.
  • thomaseron
    Clever design. Me like. :)
  • Pawessum16
    Good idea, poor implementation. I'm still moaning over the less than exemplary battery life this thing's suppose to have.
  • theshonen8899
    Hey look. For $50 more then an iPad, you get a real OS and a real keyboard.
  • damianrobertjones
    UK release date? Anyone?
  • damianrobertjones
    I 'would' get one, but, the battery life sucks a bit and I'd have to darn well change the Hard drive to a SSD. Windows 7 Touch features can drag when the hard drive is doing it's thing but SSD really does make the difference.

    (Owned latitude XT and XT2, Archos 9, Acer 1820ptz, HP TC1100 etc etc. perks of being I.T. manager)

    I do like the default screen resolution as it lets people change the display DPI to 125%, ensuring that closing windows and tabs is MUCH, MUCH easier. Dell... all you had to do was add a damn bigger battery or, heck, an additional battery slice like the HP Envy 13.

    Why don't these oems get it?? Looks to Acer and it's 10" tablet (Given up waiting for someone to get and review the HP Slate 500)
  • dextermat
    no thanks, I'll stick with Asus
  • Glorian
    I like it, I'd get it if I had to money to spend.
  • dEAne
    nice one but I prefer acer or samsung.