New Tom's Hardware Forum Platform Open Beta

As you may have heard for some time, Tom’s Hardware will be launching a brand new forum platform in the near future that will change a lot of what you see in our forum community.  For the most part, the upgrade is an enhancement of the current system itself, how posts and threads are handled and categorized.  The biggest changes will be behind the scenes as stability is improved and a lot of features that you have been requesting over the years are added to improve usability.
To make sure the transition from the old platform to the new one goes as smoothly as possible, we’re asking for your help in beta testing the new platform.  We need your keen eye and willingness to break things to make sure the new system is bug-free and in great working order before launching it officially to the site.  We’d also like to get your input on areas you think we might still improve upon, what you like and dislike and how best to proceed with a full buy-in from Tom’s Community.  We’re really hoping we can count on you to help us with this critical upgrade to our forum.
For easy instructions on how to participate in the beta test and take a sneak peak at the new platform, click here.
Please post all of your beta-related feedback, comments, questions and flaming bags of poo in the Forum Beta Test section which you can find by clicking here.
See you on the forum!
Joe Pishgar
Community Manager, Tom’s Hardware
p.s. – We’ll be picking five random beta participants who post feedback threads to receive Tom’s Hammers in gratitude for efforts to break things in order to make them better.  Good luck!

Joe Pishgar
Joe Pishgar is the Community Director of Tom's Hardware US. He oversees the number one tech enthusiast forum in the world.
  • Pinhedd
    Either robots have horrid spelling or someone failed the Turing test
  • nukemaster
    Here goes nothing :)
  • markem
    Finally :)
  • pjmelect
    I hope they fix the problem with not getting email notification for reply's to new talkback.
  • ojas
    I hope they fix images and links not posting correctly when posted from the news comments section (using BBCode).

    BTW Joe, no mobile version of the forums yet?
  • Cryio
    "I will reserve my disdain for you using IE for another post, but here's how to access the Beta using IE or another horse-drawn, steampunk retro browser if you must".

    Unfortunately, you put my beloved Opera in this category as well. Arrghh.
  • Pherule
    No screenshots? Oh well, guess I'll wait for it to go stable.