Can't Touch This! A Comparison of 46 CPU Coolers

Zalman CNPS3100 (Cu-Au Alloy): Visual Blarney

Zalman CNPS3100.

Zalman CNPS3100.

In contrast to the other Zalman coolers, the CNPS3100 is manufactured using a gold-copper alloy. This cooler didn't turn out to be the dream system during our practical tests. Its generated temperature of 45 degrees is on a par with multitudinous standard coolers that are substantially cheaper to produce. One thing that all the Zalman coolers have in common is a chintzy-looking CPU clamp, which proves to be not very durable. Not only that, but an incorrectly designed spring keeps this cooler from pressing down firmly enough. To add insult to injury, the burrs on the CPU clamp weren't shaved off properly. The result? Very sharp edges and the inevitable injury.