Since the whole ATI vs. NVIDIA topic can be somewhat touchy, we decided to cross-benchmark both platforms with graphics cards from ATI and NVIDIA. The goal was to verify whether any of the companies implanted acceleration for its own graphics technology - or pitfalls for the competition. We used the ATI Radeon X850 XL and NVIDIA’s GeForce 7800GTX.
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Benchmarks and Settings
Doom III
Version : 1.0.12621280x1024, 32 bitVideo Quality = High Qualitydemo1Graphics detail = High Quality
WolfensteinEnemy Territory
Version : 2.56 (Patch V 1.02)1280x1024, 32 bittimedemo 1 / demo demo4Geometric detail = highTexture detail = high
DirectX 8
Unreal Tournament 2004
Version : 32041280x1024, 32 bit, Audio = offTHG8-assault-single
DirectX 9
Version 1.1 Build 12561280x1024 - 32 bitquality options = High
3DMark 2005
Version 1.01024x768, 32 bitGraphics and CPU Default Benchmark
Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus
Version : 9.4.3From : 352x288 MPEG-2 41 MBto : 720x576 MPEG-2 95 MBEncoding and Transition Rendering to MPEG-2/DVDno Audio