Clutter Rescue: 2 Port KVM Switches

Easy-as-Pie Cable Hookup

The KVM switch setup requires only a few steps. One end of the connector cable goes onto the KVM switch and the other end is connected to the client computers. The monitor input should be connected to the graphics card output and both PS/2 plugs for keyboard and mouse in their designated sockets. Most PS/2 plugs are either color-coded green or violet according to the PC99 specification, so mixing them up is hard to do. The monitor that serves the two PCs is connected via a monitor cable to the KVM switch. Finally, the keyboard and the mouse for the two PCs are hooked up.

The monitor input should be screwed tight onto the KVM switch

Most PS/2 plugs are color coded: green for mouse, violet for the keyboard.

The same thing goes for the rest of the computer connections.

The other end of the connector cable goes, as usual, into the designated socket of the PC.

Siggy Moersch
  • kvmswitch
    Greatt work Siggy
    have you seen the Smartvm's KVM Switch . I think they are great too and really affordable.

    Jennifer Luec