HyperDrive 4 Redefines Solid State Storage

Storage Benchmark Results

We benchmarked the HyperDrive 4 as an individual hard drive using eight 2 GB DDR333 ECC DIMMs, and we also checked the performance on an Areca ARC1280ML RAID controller, both using only one HyperDrive 4, and using two of them in a RAID 0 array.

Data Transfer Diagrams

The HyperDrive 4 sustains a 114 MB/s read transfer rate and 82 MB/s write transfer rate across the entire 16 GB of storage. Both results are excellent; only the read results can be beaten, and only by the latest 15,000 RPM SAS drives.

Running the HyperDrive 4 on the RAID controller with cache memory results in the same basic read and read throughput, but the controller's cache memory is extremely helpful for write operations: as you can see, the sequential throughput for writes skyrockets to 450 MB/s for the first 500 MB of data, because this is what the controller can store inside its DDR2 cache memory.

Running two HyperDrive 4s in RAID 0 results in almost twice the sequential throughput, for both reads and writes. The caching advantage of our Areca ARC1280ML RAID controller is also still there.