THG Puts 13 Bleeding-Edge Memory Modules, 14 Mobos To the Match-Up Test

AOpen AK89 MAX - NVIDIA nForce3 150

BIOS: 1.07 / 1.07a

The BIOS counters the installation of two double-sided modules on this board by automatically removing the option of activating 200 MHz memory clock rate (DDR400). When asked, AOpen said it is a well-known fact that this does not meet the AMD specification, although this did not stop the manufacturer from making a revised BIOS version (1.07a) available on the Website within just three days - well done!

AOpen therefore appears to have given some thought to this subject already, as the result with the new BIOS was satisfactory: the modules from Infineon, Kingmax and TwinMOS caused a lot of problems, while the rest more or less worked properly.

Before: with BIOS 1.07, it was scarcely possible to operate a double-sided module pair at a clock rate of 200 MHz.

After: the current BIOS version 1.07a convincingly remedies most of the problems - although AOpen always maintained beforehand that it had adhered to AMD's specifications.