Nvidia Shows iPad-beating Foxconn Tegra 2 Tablet

While the Apple iPad may be the hot tablet on the market today (or at least headed soon to your market), it won't be the only game in town.

Engadget went hands on with a Foxconn-manufactured tablet that packs Nvidia Tegra 2, which means that its guts are already ahead of what's inside the iPad. The Tegra 2 uses a dual-core Cortex A9 chip running at 1GHz and the prototype packs 1GB of RAM, giving it four times the memory over Apple's device.

The tablet features an 8.9-inch capacitive touchscreen display and ran some form of Android. Demonstrations showed some rather impressive 3D graphics, which we can attribute to the Tegra 2 as well.

Right now this appears to be a prototype device showing off what Nvidia's hardware can offer in the tablet space, but hopefully an OEM will jump in soon to stir things up.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Regulas
    It was just a matter of time. You have to give Apple some credit though, a trend setter comes to mind.
  • czar1020
    Not really, alot of crap like this has been done a looooong time ago the market just didn't want it at the time.
  • invlem
    I'd agree with the comment above. Granted tablets are not new devices and have been around for years, but Apple did push the product into the limelight, until now tablets were a very niche market. Regardless of the pros/cons of the iPad, Apple's marketing team has helped the whole tablet market for all manufacturers.
  • brianmoz
    awesome but i bet the ipad will have more badass apps. this will be the techie toy for those who know what ram and 1 ghz means.
  • gayan
    the title is really confusing. I thought that the iPad managed to beat the Tegra 2 device (which is totally opposite what happened)
  • Ehsan w
    Black edges......huuuuge.....
  • All tablets have to have a large bezel, otherwise you can't hold it, and the specs are great, but how is the battery life, and it will all come down to the apps in the end.
    Is the screen smaller than the iPad or does it just look it?
  • miribus
    But can it...

    ... be paid for in cash?
  • There's still no killer app for tablet computers out there. Despite the technical merits of all the 'iPad killers' I reckon the whole tablet computer revolution will fall flat on its face this time around as well, regardless of manufacturer.
  • miribus
    gayanthe title is really confusing. I thought that the iPad managed to beat the Tegra 2 device (which is totally opposite what happened)I can understand your confusion somewhat, but it's all about the well-placed hyphen.
    Ipad beating Tegra.
    Ipad-beating Tegra.
    See the difference?
