TriGem's Kloss KL-I915a: Power Aplenty and Almost No Noise

Nothing's Easy In The Beginning

It wasn't too long ago that a South Korean firm offered to send us a small form-factor PC to test. The first delivery arrived quickly and without delay. The initial sample was easy to assemble but would not boot up. For reasons unknown, the unit kept conking out after 10 seconds of operation. Maybe it was just made on a Monday, we thought. The second sample refused to cooperate at all and would not turn on in the THG lab. We wondered which day of the week was the culprit this time? Finally unit number three ran without any complaints or grumbles.

The South Korean challenge to Shuttle and the like

The Kloss KL-I915a comes in a white cardboard box containing the mini-PC and all the accessories. Once we had unpacked everything we were left with an unusually large size for an otherwise small form-factor PC.

The KL-I915a's motherboard is not on the bottom as usual, but is practically "suspended" right in the middle of the case instead. Another conspicuous feature is the large vent hole on the top of the case.

The Blue glowing controls offer a very classy effect

Novel rear design: ports are in the middle instead of on the bottom

Total control, easy to operate even from your couch

Siggy Moersch