Part 2: 2D, Acceleration, And Windows: Aren't All Graphics Cards Equal?

UPDATE: ATI Steps Up With A Hotfixed Driver

If you're German (or paid attention to the comments section in Part 1 of this series), then you know the results of Part 2 have been around a while on Tom's Hardware DE. We've held on to the piece here in the US, though, pending the results of testing with ATI's hotfixed driver.

As you can see, the performance in Catalyst 10.1 (our hotfixed version, not the publicly-available driver) is substantially better than Catalyst 9.12 with Aero enabled, in the case of polygons, even surpassing the performance of 9.12 in Windows XP. This is the fix we've been looking for.

You'll also notice that, with the latest version of the benchmark (linked on the previous page), we're also showing a performance drop with the Desktop Window Manager disabled. We've tested, retested, tested on multiple machines, and found the same results. ATI has done the same in its lab and not been able to reproduce our results.

However, this is of less consequence to us, as there's little reason to disable Aero if the experience with it on is superior. Our numbers (and the ones ATI has run) agree in this regard. At the end of the day, the issue we originally reported has been addressed and tentatively fixed, with significant performance speed-ups in Windows 7 on the Radeon HD 5000-series cards with Aero enabled. 

Now, as mentioned, this driver isn't available yet. ATI says it will be integrating its fixes into a future release, but we wouldn't expect them until Catalyst 10.3 or 10.4; we'll post a news update when ATI confirms that the Catalyst driver has officially been
updated with the fixes.

Special thanks to ATI's software engineering team for quickly addressing the Windows 7-based issues we presented, implementing a quick (albeit not yet public) fix, and working with us to ensure that the folks buying these cards get the user experience they expect, regardless of whether they're gamers, artists, or engineers!

  • mdm08
    I have a 5850 with 10.1 drivers and it seems Photoshop CS4 doesn't recognize it as a graphics card that can improve performance so all those cool new features like animated zoom, kinetic panning, and such seem to be disabled. Also, it when you have a very complex group of objects and you try to nudge it ( move it one pixel with arrow keys) the computer actually shows the spinning wheel and has to process this instead of being instantaneous like it was on my older 7600GT. Is this an issue related with what this article is saying about apps written for GDI or is this a different issue i'm experiencing?
  • jrharbort
    Scores on 9600M GT and T9600 Core 2 Duo with Windows XP and latest graphics drivers. Only 11 active background processes no including benchmark, and themes disabled.


    Text: 8556 chars/sec
    Line: 47513 lines/sec
    Polygon: 7757 polygons/sec
    Rectangle: 6564 rects/sec
    Arc/Ellipse: 3874 ellipses/sec
    Blitting: 13974 operations/sec
    Stretching: 266 operations/sec
    Splines/Bézier: 10510 splines/sec
    Score: 984
  • It would be great if you can run the test on some "pro" cards (quadroFX, quadroNVS, firePro & fireMV). Just to see if the "pro" drivers change standard UI rendering or the optimizations are only for the professional DCC software.
  • liquidsnake718
    mdm08I have a 5850 with 10.1 drivers and it seems Photoshop CS4 doesn't recognize it as a graphics card that can improve performance so all those cool new features like animated zoom, kinetic panning, and such seem to be disabled. Also, it when you have a very complex group of objects and you try to nudge it ( move it one pixel with arrow keys) the computer actually shows the spinning wheel and has to process this instead of being instantaneous like it was on my older 7600GT. Is this an issue related with what this article is saying about apps written for GDI or is this a different issue i'm experiencing?Oh great, more news on a 5xxx series not being able to handle simple apps like CS4.... I have yet to use CS4 on my desktop with my 5850..... I hope Ati comes out with more patches if this is a problem.
  • taltamir
    windows XP is dead... get on the windows 7 64bit bandwagon already you Luddites! (not referring to the authors of the article, they raise good points; I am referring to those customers who insist that XP is some sort of holy grail of windows bliss never seen before or after)
  • Scores on P4 2.8 HT Northwood W ati 2600 pro drivers 10.1 aero Win 7 :

    Text: 8106 chars/sec
    Line: 6528 lines/sec
    Polygon: 249 polygons/sec
    Rectangle: 1484 rects/sec
    Arc/Ellipse: 6127 ellipses/sec
    Blitting: 379 operations/sec
    Stretching: 80 operations/sec
    Splines/Bézier: 5263 splines/sec
    Score: 362
  • Scores on P4 2.8 HT Northwood W ati 2600 pro drivers 10.1 aero Win 7 :


    Text: 12633 chars/sec
    Line: 21067 lines/sec
    Polygon: 4087 polygons/sec
    Rectangle: 535 rects/sec
    Arc/Ellipse: 5604 ellipses/sec
    Blitting: 1443 operations/sec
    Stretching: 213 operations/sec
    Splines/Bézier: 12213 splines/sec
    Score: 607
  • giovanni86

    Text: 54466 chars/sec
    Line: 73135 lines/sec
    Polygon: 23943 polygons/sec
    Rectangle: 3927 rects/sec
    Arc/Ellipse: 26911 ellipses/sec
    Blitting: 9827 operations/sec
    Stretching: 464 operations/sec
    Splines/Bézier: 41911 splines/sec
    Score: 2600
  • helle040
    Rdaeon 4670, amd 7750be, winxp, drivers 10.1, resolutie 1280x1024, 32bit
    Text: 45746
    line: 40508
    Splines/beziers: 20466
    Poygon: 322
    Rectangle: 1954
    Arc/E.: 3494
    Biting: 2406
    Stretching: 211
    Score: 1150
  • wxj
    I’ve always preferred GDI operations over those of the NOD. GDI have more basic operations set verses NOD’s more complex and sometimes unreliable operations.