AMD FX-7600P Kaveri Review: FX Rides Again...In A Mobile APU?

Results: Grid 2

In contrast, Grid 2 tends to offer smoother performance on lower-end graphics hardware. My first thought was that I could get away with the game's Medium quality preset at 1920x1080. Let's see if that was a good guess:

AMD's FX-7600P scores a solid win as Intel's Core i7-4702MQ dips below the 30 FPS threshold. In contrast, the Kaveri-based APU doesn't fall under 34 FPS.

The Core i7 exhibits less unwanted variance through our test. It's only a shame that the frame rate we measured is so low. We can't consider it a viable platform for playing Grid 2 at these settings.

  • damric
    Awesome. If it was 5 years ago I would want a laptop and I would want this APU in it.
  • Ad Hoc
    Are we ever going to get some new CPUs for the AM3+ socket?
  • damric
    13432106 said:
    Are we ever going to get some new CPUs for the AM3+ socket?

    I sure hope not. North Bridges and HT Link are so 5 years ago.

  • Lord_Kitty
    20% IPC boost with Steamroller? (First page, second picture)

    That's enough for their 8-core chips to catch up or surpass current i5s, right?
  • roymustang
    Rather than posting what we already know will be crappy framerates of recent games I wish that when outlets reviewed iGPUs they used some old games to see how those would run. Nobody buys a mobile APU expecting to use it for Battlefield 4. But people do like running older games on their APUs because those will most likely run decently. It would be nice to see how something like Final Fantasy XI or Knights of the Old Republic would run on this. Final Fantasy XI even has a benchmarking tool called Vana'diel Bench 3.
  • Amdlova
    45w tdp on notebook. i think will we see some 17" + notebooks. don't put on your legs or you fry it!
  • Sakkura
    13432397 said:
    Rather than posting what we already know will be crappy framerates of recent games I wish that when outlets reviewed iGPUs they used some old games to see how those would run. Nobody buys a mobile APU expecting to use it for Battlefield 4. But people do like running older games on their APUs because those will most likely run decently. It would be nice to see how something like Final Fantasy XI or Knights of the Old Republic would run on this. Final Fantasy XI even has a benchmarking tool called Vana'diel Bench 3.
    I agree, though it still makes sense to keep one demanding game in the test suite to give perspective on where this hardware stands compared to dedicated graphics cards and high-end CPUs.
  • Saiki4116
    Thanks for including Dota2 Benchmarks. I had experienced FPS drop on my current Laptop(almost dead with i5-450M and HD5470, 1366*768, 4GB RAM) due to overheating, I tried to reduce resolution and tried many configs, but the problem was there.I have let Raptor(AMD 's app) to adjust the profile for Dota2, after that I didn't face the problem.
  • Saiki4116
    So the performance can be equal to i5 M processor.
  • mitcoes16
    I miss 720p testings that is the resolution a clever player would use with this GPUs
    1080p and demanding games are not good benchmarks for this GPUs you must use less demanding games or test lower resolutions It is not the same benchmarking F1s than Nascars or electric cars