Roundup: Six Core 2 Motherboards Under $100

Efficiency And Overclocking

Even though the G45T-M2 has only three power phases and its onboard graphics were disabled for this test, it still fell slightly behind on our power consumption comparison. Efficiency differences between all of today’s motherboards were extremely small.

Voltage regulators with sinks run cooler than those that don’t have any. Even though none of today’s motherboards ran exceptionally hot, heat can affect efficiency, stability, and longevity.

The ASRock P45XE is the only motherboard in today’s low-budget comparison to handle high bus speeds like a mainstream-overclocking motherboard should. Jetway’s P45 equipped BI-500 falls between the FSB we’d expect from a P45 chipset and the FSB we achieved from various P43 products.

MSI’s P43 Neo3-F was unbootable at FSB clock settings of 400 MHz or higher, but using the 399 MHz setting resulted in a 400 MHz clock. This is likely a BIOS issue.

The BI-500 takes a slight win in CPU stability. This particular benchmark probably reflects voltage regulator capability more than any other factor. Other motherboards were limited by our processor’s 10x multiplier and the bus speeds they had formerly achieved in our FSB test.

All of today’s charts are sorted in order of average performance and the BI-500 shines when four modules are installed. Anyone looking for higher memory speeds using two modules might instead choose the ASRock P45XE.

Thomas Soderstrom
Thomas Soderstrom is a Senior Staff Editor at Tom's Hardware US. He tests and reviews cases, cooling, memory and motherboards.
  • V3NOM
    interesting, although pretty much anyone building a P775 system these days would spend a bit more than $100... and somethings really weird with this commenting thing cos i can't read what i'm typing... it just ... doesnt fill the box? just when i type something it instantly goes to the left instead of filling the box... but anyway, interesting if a bit useless article.
  • cangelini
    FWIW, the issue with text disappearing from the commenting box as you're typing is something I've reported and m waiting for a fix still. Thanks for confirming that it's still an issue.
  • rjcorrin
    Yes - everyone has money shooting out of their pantless ass to buy more expensive motherboards. I use a gigabyte Ep35 DS3L and am very happy with it. What is a >$100 board going to give me? Is it just that you want to waste money? I'm guessing you are one of those people who carry a balance on your credit card and lease a Lexus - you debt-carrying phag.
  • jsc
    "What is a >$100 board going to give me?

    I have a DS3P becuae i need the exrta SATA ports.
  • I run the I.T. department for a couple small businesses, and the sub $100 motherboard is almost essential in today's economy. Sure I could use a $120-$150 motherboard, DDR3, 10000 RPM hard drive, and all kinds of other things, but I would end up with a system that is only marginal faster in business applications for 3+ times the price. Take one of the G3x or G4x motherboards, 2GB DDR2, Intel E7x00 CPU and 80GB+ HDD and you have a system that will meet the needs of a good majority of businesses and home users. I am personally a gamer and can see the value in the higher end components; but there are a lot of other market segments out there where this makes financial sense.
  • rjcorrin
    "I have a DS3P becuae i need the exrta SATA ports."
    The DS3L has 4 Sata ports which could easily handle 3 terabytes and a DVD drive. You could have saved money by editing down your porn collection and deleting your stolen .iso's of the entire "Friday the 13th" collection. Then you would have had enough space to install "Mavis Beacon Teaches Touch Typing". That would give you something else to do with your hands during your "adult film" marathons.
    Did you happen to notice that the comment box detects your errors and underlines them in red?
  • rjcorrin
    "I have a DS3P becuae i need the exrta SATA ports."
    The DS3L has 4 Sata ports which could easily handle 3 terabytes and a DVD drive. You could have saved money by editing down your porn collection and deleting your stolen .iso's of the entire "Friday the 13th" collection. Then you would have had enough space to install "Mavis Beacon Teaches Touch Typing". That would give you something else to do with your hands during your "adult film" marathons.
    Did you happen to notice that the comment box detects your errors and underlines them in red?
  • gaiden2k7
    I got a Gigabyte UD3P for $99 during black friday... would that top this list? :)
  • Noya
    I got a Gigabyte UD3P for $84.50 during Black Friday, pwned you ninja gaiden fag.
  • malveaux
    Wait, no AMD stuff?
