NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS Battle Royal

Contestants: ELSA Gladiac

The ELSA Gladiac is the first official GeForce2 board available here in the US at the price of $349 and includes board, driver, optional game software (see below) and video software. The one odd thing was that a software DVD player didn't come included in the package. After contacting ELSA about this, I was told that the software DVD player could be obtained through technical support, free of charge. Pushing the product out caused the DVD player to slip the cracks so you'll have to contact ELSA if you'd like it.

The game software option named ELSA best select gives you the option to purchase to be announced game titles at a very low cost. The first two titles you can obtain for a $7 shipping cost and an option to pick three more full titles for $69. This is somewhat cool as if you like the games you'll get them at a great price or you can avoid it all together if you don't care for any of the software.

Video-in and out are an option but are not available with the retail board. An optional daughter card will be available in a few weeks that should cost about $30 and be the only GeForce2 I know of to have video-in. On a smaller note, although I had no video input, I was able to check out the video editing software that came on the CD and it looked rather impressive for beginner video editing software.

Lastly, the 3D Revelator (3D glasses) option will be available soon and ELSA mentioned that it was already working in their internal testing. Pricing and availability wasn't available but I assume it will be about the same as the currently available option.