ATI Radeon HD 4770: 40nm Goes Mainstream

Benchmark Results: Stalker: Clear Sky

As seen in 3DMark, the Radeon HD 4770 hangs right up near the Radeon HD 4850, exerting itself as a solid value. Both cards outpace the Radeon HD 4830 by a decent margin. Of course, the shocker is Nvidia’s GeForce GTS 250 snaking a lead that we wouldn’t have expected given the 3DMark scores. 

Not surprisingly, given the previous chart, the GeForce GTS 250 sweeps our three test resolutions once again. All of these numbers were run using the lowest common denominator of settings: mainly, without the game’s DirectX 10.1-class anti-aliasing enabled to make the scores comparable.

Foreshadowing the simultaneous outcry of AMD loyalists who’ll undoubtedly point out that this competitive advantage should be given to the Radeon cards, I preemptively ran comparison scores with DirectX 10.1 enabled as well in case there is a true performance boost available.

At 1920x1200, the Radeon HD 4850 achieves 12.7 frames per second with “Use DX 10.1” checked (compared to 11.3 frames without it). Looking for a more playable frame rate, we dropped to 1280x1024 and recorded 21.35 frames—down from 21.5. The moral of the story? Don’t expect DX 10.1 to make this title any more playable than it was without the feature enabled.

Chris Angelini
Chris Angelini is an Editor Emeritus at Tom's Hardware US. He edits hardware reviews and covers high-profile CPU and GPU launches.
  • Dekasav
    "Well-played ATI, well played."

    Couldn't say it better, myself.

    Looks to be a pretty good card, but nothing spectacular. 40nm is nice, a little cheaper HD 4850 (fewer FPS, too), but all in all, nicely done.

    I wonder who'll sell more, now, the 4850 or the 4770?
  • "The card’s strange behavior continues on the CPU-only test, where it takes a nearly 2,000-point hit for no good reason" maybe because of the 128 bit memory bus
  • kelfen
    solid card for the average gammer ;)
  • bardia
    I'm pretty blown away at the kind of performance that can be had for ~$100 these days thanks to ATI. It wasn't long ago when Nvidia forced us to choice between the incredibly crappy 8600GT for $150 and the ~$250-300 8800GTS 320.

    ATI is leading us into graphics nirvana.
  • pharge
    Wondering will 4770 a good one for crossfire? Can we have a review on it....? With its low power useage when fully loaded, cheaper price (~$40 cheaper than 4850 when CF), not much slower than 4850 (512MB), and nice overclocking range... It will be nice to see will 4770 CF setup be useful (playable) in games (1920x1200) with some visual goodies truned on.
  • Wondering about 4770x2, should be wishful item
  • Summer Leigh Castle
    bardiaI'm pretty blown away at the kind of performance that can be had for ~$100 these days thanks to ATI. It wasn't long ago when Nvidia forced us to choice between the incredibly crappy 8600GT for $150 and the ~$250-300 8800GTS 320.ATI is leading us into graphics nirvana.I spent almost $300 on my 8800GTS 320 OC when they came out and I thought I got a great deal. Things have changed! Competition = good for the consumers!
  • eklipz330
    this card is amazing for 1680x1050, if they can manage to slap some aftermarket coolers on there, buying two for the price of a 1gb 4870, and overclocking them, im pretty sure we'd pass gtx 285 numbers.... simply amazing.

    great card for 16x10 resolution. good job ati, you've done more damage to nvidia in the past year than they've done to you in the pass 3-4
  • eklipz330

    just checked newegg and they all have aftermarket coolers on them... wow *_*
  • Ryun
    eklipz330*edit*just checked newegg and they all have aftermarket coolers on them... wow *_* 70&x=0&y=0
    Nah, they're reference coolers from AMD. From what I heard, AMD gave the AIB partners a choice between the dual slot and the, for lack of a better term, uglier cooler. Apparently the "uglier" one is cheaper so that's what you're probably going see for now.