On The Bench: EVGA GeForce GTX 460 FTW

Power Usage And Temperature Benchmarks

Despite its GeForce GTX 470-class performance, the EVGA GTX460 FTW is using a lot less power under load, although the Radeon HD 6870 manages to achieve excellent power efficiency in comparison to both.

The cooler might not be fancy, but it does a great job. It’s interesting to note that, at idle, we saw the EVGA clocks go as low as 50 MHz core and 67 MHz memory.

The EVGA card even manages to perform relatively quietly compared to the higher-end GF100-driven GTX 470.

  • fstrthnu
    Heh, "FTW". Still, EVGA's done a pretty impressive job here. Still a standby till the Geforce GTX 560 comes, but this is pretty darn good heading into winter
  • macer1
    Why not use the 10.12 beta drivers from AMD ?

    The current test used a 10.10 Beta driver which was more problematic then the 10.9 AMD drivers. Makes no sense to me.
  • touchdowntexas13
    Typically I think factory overclocked cards are a waste of cash, but this seems like a pretty good value. I am very happy with my GTX 470, but if I could do it over I would of snatched up that GTX 460! The 470 is just so loud and hot. But it's whatever. The 460 didn't come out until 3 months after I bought the 470.
  • dEAne
    If I to choose I will recommend the EVGA’s GTX460 FTW.
  • Tamz_msc
    It'd be nice if Nvidia released a card sporting GF104 GPU and all eight streaming multiprocessors enabled, just to see what it can do.
    Bombard the the HD 6950? Maybe at a lesser price? Keeping my fingers crossed for the GTX 560 :D
  • duk3
    GTX550= GTX460maxcore @ 850mhz :O
  • IzzyCraft
    macer1Why not use the 10.12 beta drivers from AMD ? The current test used a 10.10 Beta driver which was more problematic then the 10.9 AMD drivers. Makes no sense to me.Because articles take time to write esp when you need to benchmark things.
  • rohitbaran
    Well, this doesn't sound too good for AMD. A fully enable GTX 460, which will probably launch as GX560 will probably come close enough, if not equal to the Radeon 6950.
  • Randomacts
    Really?? A bumper sticker??? hahah... wow..
  • IzzyCraft
    RandomactsReally?? A bumper sticker??? hahah... wow..They didn't have enough fun tricking me into putting lame stickers on my expensive case when i was young so now they want me to put lame stickers on my car.