SAS Hard Drives: 15,000 vs. 10,000 RPM

Benchmark Results

Data Transfer Rates RAID 0

Savvio 10k.2 (10,000 RPM), RAID 0

At 256 kB block sizes we achieved 474 MB/s throughput. Since a single Savvio 10k.2 drive delivers up to 93 MB/s, this clearly includes data coming from the cache memory. The maximum read performance of 350 MB/s reflects the maximum read performance of the physical rotating medium.

Savvio 15k.1 (15,000 U/Min), RAID 0

Using the 15k model doesn't really increase the read transfer rates, but the write performance benefits a lot.

  • DeanRS
    The Raid 0 benchmarks include Raid 5 File server that is also shown again in the Raid 5 Benchmarks section. Raid 5 shows webserver data and Raid 0 does not. I think that the Raid 0 webserver data is not shown as Raid 5 fileserver data is in its place.