League Of Legends Performance, Benchmarked

League Of Legends: CPU Benchmarks

Lastly, we're testing a handful of CPUs to gauge this title's dependence on platform performance. What does it take to avoid a bottleneck?

Seeing that a dual-core Athlon II X2 260 manages to stay above 90 FPS at all times, it's a safe bet that LoL players don't have much to worry about as far as processor-based limitations are concerned. Any dual-core CPU above 2 GHz is probably a safe bet for smooth frame rates.

Remember that the mobile AMD A10-4600M (2.3 GHz base clock) and Intel's mobile Core i5-3210M (2.5 GHz base clock) are both able to keep frame rates above 35 FPS using weaker on-die graphics engines at this title's highest detail settings and a resolution of 1920x1080.

  • Zero_
    Looks like everyone is jobless these days...

    Also, no love for Heroes of Newerth?
  • Martell1977
    No surprises here, LoL is a very resource light game. I can run it on all medium settings on my old Pentium 4 3.2ghz with a AGP Radeon 3850 @ 1440x900 resolution with more than playable frame rates. The only issue is initial stutter at at the very start of a match that and long loading times. (however, I only use that machine when I have 3 or more players at my house)

    LoL may not be the prettiest game out there, but it is a lot of fun.
  • amuffin
    Ezreal 2 good.
  • Novuake
    Interesting side note : When I was trying this on my HD4000 instead of my HD7950, when the drops under 50FPS become a HUGE hindrance in teamfights, to the point of extreme frustration.

    This is one of those games when the smallest stutter can grind your bones to dust.

    So you REALLY want a near-constant 60FPS for this one.

    Anypony disagree???
  • JJ1217
    Yeah.. no one cares. Everyone knows you can basically run it on any rig.
  • griptwister
    I ran it on Ultra settings at 1080P with a Phenom II x4 840 and a GTS 450 512mb with a stable 60FPS. lol, it's not that hard to run at all.
  • aggroboy
    When working in out-of-town projects, the few games my ultralight can play are indies, emulators and LoL.
  • rdc85
    "...though the GeForce 210 does exceed 15 ms in our subsequent frame latency variance chart..."

    U got the chart wrong? is the 210 and 6450 swiched ?

  • anxiousinfusion
    JJ1217Yeah.. no one cares. Everyone knows you can basically run it on any rig.
    It would have been more interesting to see it tested on the oldest possible computers.
  • jdwii
    Why wait this long to review this game? At least half the people at my college play this game,