Nvidia 3D Vision Vs. AMD HD3D: 18 Games, Evaluated

Lost Planet 2

AMD HD3D and the TriDef Ignition Driver:

Excellent 3D result in DirectX 9; DirectX 11 does not work

The TriDef driver does an excellent job in this title as long as the DirectX 9 code path is used

Lost Planet 2 works great in DirectX 9 mode, but we couldn’t get it to work when the game is launched using DirectX 11. Once again, DirectX 11 offers little more than DirectX 9 in this game, though, so we don't consider it too painful of a loss.

Nvidia 3D Vision:

Excellent 3D gameplay result, but slight anomalies in cut scenes

3D Vision also does a great job during gameplay, but the cut scenes have some unpleasant anomalies.

During actual gameplay, this title appears to work flawlessly with 3D Vision. But we did notice some visual anomalies during cut scenes. With such great stereoscopic gameplay, we’re surprised that this title is only rated "Fair" by Nvidia's 3D Vision OSD. We think it deserves a slightly better judgement, but perhaps we missed an artifact that only shows up at a certain point in the campaign.

  • renick
    nvidia 3d vision is best in all............
  • Kamab
    Except for the ones where it's not recommended. Good thing I have one on this rig! Now I just got to shell out some cash for some 3D Tech.
  • the_krasno
    3D is over hyped in my opinion, it will be some more time before games can correctly exploit it.
  • falchard
    Everytime nVidia pushes out a proprietary format they shoot themselves in the foot. They just can't make it marketable with such a low market share. You need something like Microsofts 90% market share to think about making a closed standard.
    Anyone notice the bevel on the Samsung model. That beautiful for multi-monitor.
  • Scanlia
    Great comprehensive review! Loved it.
  • alyoshka
    Nice one, and really long awaited.
  • i tried Tridef in EVE online, absolutely stunning. :)
  • SteelCity1981
    During preliminary testing, we noticed that a decent Phenom II X4 had some trouble providing smooth frame rates, and mid-level graphics cards were cut down to their knees

    Time for Bulldozer!!!
  • assassin123
    i loved it great review keep it up
  • RazberyBandit
    Would it kill Tom's to use high-resolution pop-up pics? It's nearly impossible to discern any differences in detail or artifacts when comparing such low-resolution images. C'mon...1024 x 317? Seriously?