More Hands On With the Asus Eee Tablets

So, let's break it down clearly. Asus plans to start selling two Eee Pad models, the 12" EP121 and 10" EP101TC—by the "first quarter of next year". The estimated price will be $399 and $499 respectively, with the EP121 running on Windows 7 Home Premium, and the EP101TC using "Windows Embedded Compact 7".

Some more comparisons between the two:

  • Storage options for the EP101TC are 16, 32, and 64 GB SSDs, while the EP121 will store data on a 32, 64, or 128 GB SSD.
  • The webcam for the EP101TC will be 0.3 megapixels, compared to the 1.3 megapixel webcam of the EP121.
  • Both tablets will support 802.11b/g/n connectivity
  • The EP101TC and EP121 will feature stereo speakers embedded on either side of their respective touch-sensitive displays.
  • While the EP121 has HDMI-out, the EP101TC will have to plug into a dock to output an HDMI signal.
  • Last but not least: The EP101TC will use 512MB DDR2 RAM, while its larger counterpart will tap on 2GB of DDR2 memory. Both tablets will use SO-DIMM slots, so does this mean end-users can add memory?

Some pictures of the EP101TC (our first series of Eee Pad pics were of the EP121):

And yes, that's an iPad in the last picture.

  • N.Broekhuijsen
    Looks VERY nice. and actually like a useful tablet/pad.. what's the difference?
  • tgsa
    Well, the title has it right, missed that the first time around...
  • tgsa
    It would seem it should say the prices are 499 and 399 respectively since the 121 has the better specs.
  • Looks yummy!
  • boogalooelectric
    One thing I don't understand with any of these touch screen systems, whether its an all in one like the HP with the touch screen, this device or the ipad and that is the finger prints on the screen.

    To me this is a deal breaker for any of them, it is simply something I do not like as a personal preference. Imagine watching a movie on an ipad and having to filter through the greasy smeared finger prints all over the thing.

    I know there are wipes and other implements that clean these screens but there is always a scenario that never fails when such a thing is unavailable and you have to just live with is.

    I guess it isn't so much of a concern with the portables as I "hope" the manufacturers who make them account for this (but who knows if they really do?) but in regards to the all in one home PC's that use this configuration that could be a concern.

    and lets face it people walk around with some dreadful things attached to their fingers.
  • serkol
    Is that a TN screen?
  • sublifer
    for only $100 less, the specs on the 101 sux. I'd never consider it for anything more than $250. The 121 is over-priced too. Seems to me it would fit better around $400. Neither of these will be on my wish list.

    I'm not an apple fan, but the ipads are closer to worth their cost (mostly due to the apple tax)
  • gekko668
    Upgradable ram,ssd and built-in hdmi output? I'm in.
  • flachet
    I think I will be owning the EP121.
  • del35
    I like what I read, but again I am not sure that I need one. The specs are certainly more impressive than the iPad. Unfortunately, the pricing seems to have been influenced by Apple's pricing model. My final concern is that besides surfing while waiting for a train, or at the airport, I don't really have need for a tablet computer. Tablet computers have been in the market for years, and it is only now that people have discovered how much they need them....