The Winner of Our Hand-Picked Custom PC Rig

We normally give away the three systems that are featured in our System Builder's Marathon, but as a special for the fall we had an additional system to send off.

This hand-picked setup is the product of Thomas Soderstrom's lessons learned, and is everything we'd want if our own $2000 were on the line. Learn more about this machine here.

Today we're proud to announce that Timothy Hayes from Elgin, SC is the winner of our custom build.

Congratulations! Stay tuned for more contests from Tom's Hardware.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • jomofro39
    Whatever happened to that one rig you guys were going to give away from Cyberpower? For witty comments? I wanted to see what witty comments you chose as the funniest, TBH. :(
  • cmcghee358
    I concur! Let's see the CyberpowerPC winner!
  • bustapr
    My names not there... again. +1 for the witty comment cyberpower pc.
  • bustapr
    also, Id like to say that some people would like to comment on tomstyle articles. Tomsstyle isnt really the greatest idea youve come up with.
  • nukemaster
  • tronika
    i say we fight to the death for one. pit 2 players in a Black Ops match and the winner gets the rig.
  • ares1214
    tronikai say we fight to the death for one. pit 2 players in a Black Ops match and the winner gets the rig.
    Or give them real guns? Better yet, make them joust.
  • jj463rd
    Congratulations on that high end custom rig.Enjoy!
  • huron
    Another congrats...wishing it was me, but congrats to you.
  • nukemaster
    9253627 said:
    Or give them real guns? Better yet, make them joust.
    limo joust?