DDR for Pentium III: 10 Boards with VIA Apollo Pro 266

Difference Between SDR SDRAM And DDR SDRAM

The conventional SDRAM modules and DDR SDRAM modules have the same basic lines, as can be seen in this picture. It is still difficult for the uninitiated to spot the difference between the two DIMM's. SDRAM (above) has two notches, whereas DDR SDRAM (below) only has one. If you have an MSI Pro266 Master or a Shuttle AV32, it's a good idea to take a good look at your board slots. Both boards have SDR DIMM slots and DDR DIMM slots. It's easy to confuse the two if you don't pay close attention to the notches.

An Overview Of All 10 Motherboards

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Manu-facturerModelPC133 SDRAMAGP 4X (Pro)AMRCNRACRUSBIDE RAIDPiezo SpeakerNet-work
AOpenAX37 Plusnononoyesno4yesyesno
AOpenAX37 Pronononoyesno4noyesno
MSIPro266 Master (MS-6366)yesnonoyesno4yesyesno
ShuttleAV30 (V11)nonononono6nonoyes
ShuttleAV32 (V14)yesnonoyesno6nonono

The complete table of features can be found at the end of this article.

Here you see the Promise chip used by AOpen AX37 Plus, Gigabyte GA-6RX and MSI Pro266 Master (RAID capability), which is the reason why these boards incorporate 4 IDE ports.