Dual Display Gaming Bigs Up

FS9 - Dual-View Configurations (ATI, NVIDIA, Matrox), Continued

The additional view is still linked with the primary view, though. To drag it to the second display, you need to undock it first. To do so, right-click on the additional view and select "undock". Now the view has its own window border and can be dragged to the second display. Views for GPS, throttle, and other instruments can be transferred to the second screen in the same manner.

Once you've arranged all of the views the way you want, you can switch back to full screen mode through the View menu or by pressing Alt-Enter (scaling the instruments is no help yet at this point).

Now you can scale and move the views. Annoyingly, FS9 doesn't offer an option to save your configuration. As a result, the player is forced to repeat this entire procedure for every new flight. Note: If you switch back to windowed mode with Alt-Enter or go to the desktop with Alt-Tab, some times the views on the second display will revert back to the primary screen, and you're back at square one. This means that the settings are lost after each time you leave the cockpit and the views have to be arranged to the pilot's liking anew for every flight.