The GeForce 7800GS Shows AGP Ain't Dead Yet


F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon is one of the meanest games to hit the street as this state-of-the-art FPS demands a lot from the graphics processor and pushes its pixel shaders to the edge. When maximum quality is selected, most graphics cards can be crippled to the point that the screen can look like a fast slide presentation. F.E.A.R. is capable of rendering soft shadows but at a large performance hit. We set all effects to maximum and turned off soft shadows for the first run and enabled it on the second runs. We have AA disabled in the SS tests as it does not run correctly on all platforms. For this reason we tax the card by enabling SS with AF set to 16x. The hardware driver is set to Application controlled for AA and AF, Vertical Sync is disabled and the mipmap detail option is set to Quality.