Intel's Xeon Shows Its Stuff in 7 Motherboards

Asus NCCH-DL (875P)

The NCCH-DL by Asus uses the 875P Northbridge.

Board Revision: 1.02

BIOS Version: 1001 (06/21/2004)

Asus has already offered an 875P based motherboard for Xeons. The PC-DL hosts the Prestonia processors, while the FSB800 successor is called NCCH-DL. At around $300, this board can definitely be called affordable. Compared to desktop systems, there is no performance disadvantage left any more. Also, 875P guarantee a nice Overclocking margin.

This is not a joke: If the board shouldn't fit into the case, just snap off the borders.

The box in which the NCCH-DL came is pretty straightforward.

It's nice to see that Asus implemented the 4 pin fan headers. Thanks to that, the system will run pleasingly quiet most of the time.