The Ultimate Mouse Hunt Part Two

A Little More Curved

But a mouse is a balance between technology and ergonomics. And on that score, Razer has been conservative and used the same shape as with the preceding model, except its new device is more curved. It's an excellent change, because the Diamondback could be criticized for not allowing a comfortable enough hand position. The Copperhead is still far from the more highly-developed shape of the G, but at least now you can rest your hand on the mouse and still be effective. The handling remains more focused on action than on comfort, however.

The two rubber strips on the side are meant to be grasped between the thumb and ring finger to ensure optimum control. The strip is a little too sharp-edged, which reduces comfort. But that's all relative. I was able to work with the mouse all day long without fatigue. For right-handers, it'll really be a matter of personal preference between the more comfortable G5/7 and the more active Copperhead.

What hasn't changed - and shouldn't - is the two main buttons. They're enormous, flexible and precise, and are a joy to use. So is the very wide track wheel, which is easy to handle and very precise. It's true that in FPS games, where errors are deadly, the accuracy mice like these offer is a big advantage. On the other hand, Razer still hasn't managed to get the additional buttons quite right, even though they're better than those of the Diamondback. There are four of them, located on either side of the mouse below the rubber strip. The buttons that are placed under your thumb operate very well, but the ones on the other side require contortions that render them useless in practice. And the buttons on the thumb side sometimes get pressed accidentally. To end the ergonomics chapter, the hard plastic surface of the shell has been replaced by a rubberized surface that makes gripping easier. The Teflon feet are wider and make for perfect sliding.