13 Barebones Reviewed Are Anything But Square

Under The Hood

Cleanly laid-out interior

Pros And Cons


  • Parallel interface;
  • Easy installation of hardware;
  • Edges ground down;
  • Space-saving cable routing.


  • No DVI connector;
  • Loud CPU fan;
  • No display
  • Front interfaces without cover.

Brief Conclusion

The AOpen XC Cube EX65 is a barebone without any major weaknesses, but also without any highlights. The onboard graphics of the i865 chipset can be upgraded with an AGP graphics card, and with a fast processor, the XC Cube EX65 can become an all-round PC.

Only the CPU fan made a negative impression. It is temperature-controlled and responds quickly to the thermal power loss of the CPU, which rapidly increases its speed. And consequently, the noise also increases quickly.

Without a drive cage, the installation is easier

Siggy Moersch