China Dispatch: Adventures in Case Manufacturing


Many of our readers have written us with the same request: "Can you please explain how computer cases are created?" Purchasers and users of computer cases shop at their local retailers or shop online, yet have no idea how a case goes through the process of conception to design to finished product. And, unless you are an industry insider or work for an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) who orders custom or specific cases to build their systems in, it is not likely that you would be familiar with the complex process that is required to produce a computer case.

Chenbro Micom Ltd. invited Tom's Hardware Guide for an exclusive visit to their factory to see how Chenbro creates its computer cases, from start to finish. Chenbro provided THG with unprecedented access to all aspects of this process, giving us "no holds barred" access to the inner workings of Chenbro's manufacturing process. We had no restrictions or specific guidelines from Chenbro; and we were given access to all persons inside Chenbro who could answer our questions, as well as access to additional information for any of the processes that we needed help in understanding.

Chenbro's offer of this inside look generated a lot of excitement within THG. For me, this experience represented a trip of a lifetime, as I had never ventured outside of North America, and certainly not to Dong Guan, China, where one of the Chenbro's factories is located. After my visit to Computex in Taipei, Taiwan, Ken Hong accompanied me from Chenbro for an adventure to Dong Guan, China, not knowing what I would find.

  • new ideas to achieve the same painting all over the length ( length 1100 to 1500 mm)
  • zhijunli
    Please visit more factories before you say "why others don't think that an inexpensive detail such as this is important."
  • Those guys been working with vendors that can supply vacuum deposited, electroplated, printed and spray painted plastic parts. This is old news..