Microsoft: No Tablet OS Until We Can Be Different

Several companies have announced plans for tablets based on the upcoming version of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, Windows 8. While planning so far ahead can sometimes backfire (tablets shipping with Gingerbread or Froyo just seem out of date now that Honeycomb is here), it seems Microsoft has no immediate plans to develop a tablet OS.

Speaking to Pocket-Lint, Microsoft UK managing director Ashley Highfield said the company won’t be releasing a tablet or a tablet OS until it can offer customers something different than what’s already available.

"We won't do anything in the tablet market unless we can be distinctive," he told Pocket-Lint.

As we mentioned, several companies have confirmed they’re planning Windows 8 tablets for release early in 2012. Currently, there’s a number of Windows tablets available running Windows 7, which has been optimized for touchscreens. Highfield didn’t discuss the possibility of a tablet running Windows Phone 7, so we’re assuming that’s not in the cards just yet. But, hey, you never know.

  • _Cubase_
    I have a better idea Microsoft: How about you actually do it this time, instead of talking about it! I am stick of seeing great ideas come up in concept, only to have M$ sit on their arses for ages, pretty much opening the door for companies like Apple to take the stage. What the hell are you waiting for?
  • joytech22
    _Cubase_What the hell are you waiting for?
    They're strategically falling behind the competition so they can make a comeback in a few years just to be told "you waited too long"..
  • iam2thecrowe
    how about instead of jumping on the tablet bandwagon, just release an advertising campaign showing how useless tablets really are. Then no one will have to worry about this tablet fad ever again and microsoft can spend more time making a better OS rather than having another dud like windows ME or Vista.
  • beta tester
    Microsoft is not being honest.

    Of course it is creating a tablet OS. That's Windows 8. It's being ported to the ARM processor so it can be run on both phones and tablets.

    After which, the current Windows Phone 7 will be discontinued.
  • memadmax
    Sounds to me they want the technology to mature enough to handle their bloatware before they will throw themselves into the fray...

    Makes sense...
  • alidan
    iam2thecrowehow about instead of jumping on the tablet bandwagon, just release an advertising campaign showing how useless tablets really are. Then no one will have to worry about this tablet fad ever again and microsoft can spend more time making a better OS rather than having another dud like windows ME or Vista.
    me was a cash in, nothing more
    vista was a failed os from the start
    win 7 is vista and xps love child, and it got most of the vista traits

  • randomizer
    If Microsoft has no plans to release a tablet OS until they can do something different, there will never be a tablet OS from Microsoft. Innovation is totally against their style.
    Don't bother with a tablet OS. I won't buy one, anyway. No iPad, no Android tablet...nothing. It's not my style.
  • Thunderfox
    LOL at the Ballmer tablet. That should be the default desktop for Windows 8.
  • suoeno

    Windows needs a name change.Yeah.I'm serious.How about actually pulling that stunt when Win 8 gets out? Get the long lost cool tech cred back.Hey it's as good as Apple's unicorn dust :) Change the game.Kill x32.Kill the ridiculous editions.Call it Skynet I don't care.They're moving Office and every other software products to the cloud anyways.

    Meaning that to come up with a new name, it's only logical and natural to base it upon a radically new set of OS philosophies and core design decisions.Biggest gorilla should be able to deal with the biggest calculated risk.

    Tablets in current real world usage scenario haven't really reached critical mass yet despite what any feverish iPad toting ranter will tell you.At best tablets are just good for media consumption and not much else probably some tweeting here and there but that's it.To create serious content on tablets now are just still a ways to go.Granted but has anyone ever looked at what's out there beyond Windows?

    I don't wanna be yet another desktop Linux distro preacher but it has to be said.Aren't you amazed by what's mostly "Hey if you can please donate to us?" desktop Linux initiatives had come up with?I mean really there are distros out there that fits netbook environs comfortably and already beaten MS to tablets.Joli OS got the netbook cloud game and Bodhi Linux with their E17-centric approach to tablets.These guys runs on donations if that ever happens regularly it's just mind boggling.I don't get it tbh?How come MS with all of its billions and their own horde of arguably some of the world's best minds of devs simply can't come up with anything better sooner?