VOTW: A 2-year-old Goes Hands-on with the iPad

I'm all for introducing children to technology at an early age, but something about this video just makes me cringe. Are her hands clean? Is her little leg long enough to keep the iPad propped up or is going to fall? What if she drops it?

But being fair, this is actually an incredibly smart 2-year-old; she instinctively figures out how to enlarge regular iPhone apps and her experience and skills with her dad's iPhone carries over almost seamlessly. When I was two, anything handed to me was immediately shoved up my nose or crammed in my mouth and my favorite pastime was bashing things off the ground.

Check out the video below to see what this technologically inclined cherub makes of Apple's newest device. Oh, and if you needed anymore proof that Apple left out the camera so they could update the device again in a year this is it; it's the first thing she notices when she's handed the device.

(Via Laughing Squid)

  • lcdvt
  • extremepcs
    More maxiPad news please. 6 stories on the front page today is not enough! /sarcasm
  • mlopinto2k1
    That is really, really scary. She is using it so comfortably... like it was meant for her mind. Or something weird like that. Cool, but scary.
  • leo2kp
    What a great way to test a UI. Give it to a 2 year old and see if they can figure it out.
  • mlopinto2k1
    Jane, do you have any other news on the iPad? I would love to see some.
  • sliem
    Yes my 2.5 son would just whack the iPad around. Smart kid.
    Then again, he hasn't destroyed our laptop yet.
  • XZaapryca
    Adorable. She's already better at using technology than my mother. lol
  • mlopinto2k1
    This little girl is adorable! :)
  • tiotaitch
    Good kid. Need more like her!
  • ps12
    Glad to see we finally know Apple's targeted age group!