Report: iPhone 5S Launch Date; Apple's Reputation on the Line

The next generation iPhone will launch June 20 2013, and will then go on sale in early July. At least, that's what Japanese website MacFan and electronicsta think will happen. Speculation has not only been limited to the when, but also on the what. In other words, what Apple will name their next bundle of joy? Popular opinion points to 'iPhone 5S,' but nothing has been confirmed just yet.

The rumored 20 June launch date would coincide with Apple's trend of launching its products in the June/July time frame, just after its annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference). More speculation on other Apple products has also erupted. This includes talk of an end-of-September release date for a low-cost prepaid variant of the iPhone, as well as a new iPad for the end of the year.

The upcoming dates for the new iPhone could be a make-it-or-break-it moment for Apple. In the past, Apple has always inspired the mobile industry by being two steps ahead of the competition. However, more recently, they has been falling short of expectations. Apart from disappointing software updates, the launch of the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 have been anticlimactic for most, with Apple introducing a larger screen, higher resolution, a faster SoC and 4G LTE support. All of this was not only expected, but already rolling out on rival devices.

Apple needs to impress and turn heads with its next iPhone, and the questions remains how can it do that? The addition of NFC, second gen GPS and a slightly higher resolution display would be dismal, as many companies already have phones available that incorporate all of these features. Which technological additions to a new handheld device by Apple would spark your interest? Temperature and humidity sensors, a 3D camera, fingerprint identification sensor, waterproof case design or wireless charging? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • A Bad Day
    I wonder how many of my classmates will "upgrade" from their iPhone 4, 4S, or 5 to this...
  • ryanhmusic
    I'll be upgrading from a 4s to this.

    I am a fan of apple but not a fanboy - I recognize that other companies now make better smartphones but I like the interface and I don't want to leave it yet. Maybe later I'll try android again but my last use of it was less than satisfactory because I am used to the iOS.

    As a T-Mobile customer using a factory unlocked device, the support for the correct wireless specs is important, having no service is getting tiring. Since T-Mobile now sells the iPhone, one would presume upcoming models would have support for the correct T-Mobile bands.

    Sure, it's probably not going to be revolutionary but as long as its an evolution of the current product, many people will buy it. Doesn't make them blind iSheep, it makes them comfortable. What's wrong with comfortable? Some people don't have the time it takes to jump around OSs and phones, constantly learning how to use them again and again - doesn't mean we should hate on them. I am one of those people. I'm sure if I had started on Android and tried to switch to iOS, I wouldn't have liked I started on iOS and am comfortable there - no need to switch for me and many others.
  • masterofevil22
    This guy above me is right. People will still buy it no matter what and no offense, but they will believe until the end of time that it is superior when in fact they are simpleton phones that make people who are normally uneasy with electronics feel somewhat savvy or even smart. Change scares these people and comfort and simplicity along with "look how cool I am that I can afford an Apple product" will keep their sales rolling.

    There will always be these types of people. They are not going any where and neither is apple. Btw, yes, I know there are much "better" alternatives. I own one, so I'm not an Apple salesman or anything, I'm just saying.
  • bustapr
    theyd have to do much better than lighter, and faster to impress anyone now. fingerprint sensor on home button sounds like a nice feature to bypass that pesky lock screen, so long as its efficient. waterproof phone is also a very cool idea so long as its usable for me to take pictures and videos underwater along the coral reefs(longshot that will likely not happen in a LOOOONG time in a good phone). they must not dare to ever launch an official (alpha test) replacement app for anything ever again or else theyre really screwed. the small tablet killer(ipad mini) proved to not be as terrifying as OEMs thought and the bigger iphone didnt hurt the android market much either. everyone and their mothers apparently have Galaxy S3s at my college now. they need something truly innovative and new to the phone market.

    I personally wont be upgrading from my oldish evo v anytime soon.

  • More of the same...
  • sacre
    masterofevil22This guy above me is right. People will still buy it no matter what and no offense, but they will believe until the end of time that it is superior when in fact they are simpleton phones that make people who are normally uneasy with electronics feel somewhat savvy or even smart. Change scares these people and comfort and simplicity along with "look how cool I am that I can afford an Apple product" will keep their sales rolling. There will always be these types of people. They are not going any where and neither is apple. Btw, yes, I know there are much "better" alternatives. I own one, so I'm not an Apple salesman or anything, I'm just saying.
    General assumption that is -again- incorrect. If you have a personal problem with Apple products (iPhone) why do you feel the need to insult the people who use it? Are you still a child or do you still have a child mentality?

    People use the phone because they enjoy it, they enjoy its features, its style, etc. They all have their reasons and if you feel superior because you use a different phone, or feel like you're not "Conforming", grow up.

    Im honestly tired of these immature adults/children alike insulting people because their preference of phone is different then what they prefer... I know it won't stop, but damn.

    Anyways, to the topic on hand. I am disappointed that innovation has basically came to a stand still. Their interface is still the same after how many years? No real improvements on anything, I feel like my phone is very old and out dated now. I will be switching to a new phone if this keeps up.
  • house70
    Yeah. Problem is, all the "innovative" features have been just copied and modified by Apple, and now they're stuck with the fact that real innovation is way better advertised and becomes common knowledge before Apple has a chance to steal it and patent it. Slowly but surely other companies have been waking to this truth and have been protecting their intellectual property better than before, thus making it more difficult for Apple to "improve" on it without anyone noticing until is too late. When Apple tries to actually make something on their own... Apple Maps comes to mind.
    "Apple's Reputation on the Line..."
    LOL. Only "reputation" they got is they made very good friends with some Californian judges. That, and they love to throw their weight around trying to intimidate others in courts. They're the "tech-bully" of modern times.
  • acadia11
    finger print and water proof.
  • Azn Cracker
    2 steps ahead? LOLLOLOLOLOL

    The only time this was true was with the original iphone and iphone 3g when there was zero competition.
  • Abion47
    Well, I'm not going to cast stones until some confirmed features start appearing, but if its anything like in the past, I'm gearing up for another disappointing release that will center around bigger and stronger screens, faster hardware, and more required apps that either no one uses or will be overshadowed by another app that does the same thing but better.

    Seriously, screens are already big enough to watch full HD movies, and phones are already fast enough that only people who care about serious gaming on their phones will benefit from the new hardware. At this rate, Android is going to leave iOS in the dust if only because there are a lot more people working on Android than on iOS in experimental design, and that's because Android is basically open source now while Apple has their iOS in an innovative headlock-full nelson combo.

    Pick up your feet, Apple. Your hundreds of billions of dollars can only get you so far. Stop being so paranoid and allow people not on your payroll to tinker with your stuff. I promise you that innovation and popularity will skyrocket faster than SimCity server overloads on launch day.