Nestle is Going to Sell Android-branded KitKats

Key Lime Pie is out, and KitKat is in. There's even a statue on the front lawn of Google's HQ to prove it. So what gives? What made Google switch from Key Lime Pie? And what made the company go with KitKat, a name that's already owned by Nestle? Surely, Google must be paying for the use of the name and, if that's the case, why pay for something that's just a codename? So many questions! The BBC has all the answers, though.


According to the British broadcaster, Googlers were, internally, referring to the next version of Android as Key Lime Pie. However, worried that not enough people know the taste of Key Lime Pie, Google changed the name. KitKats feature in the lineup of late-night coding snacks at the Google offices, so they decided to go with the name KitKat. John Lagerling, director of Android global partnerships, claims they didn't initially know who owned the brand but decided to see if it would be possible to use it for Android.

Lagerling told the BBC that he cold-called Nestle's ad agency and asked about using the KitKat name. A day later, Nestle responded and said yes. Lagerling says it's not a cash deal. Instead, Google will get the brand recognition that goes along with a famous snack and Nestle will ship 50 million Android-branded KitKats. No doubt we'll see some of those at the Android KitKat launch (rumored for later this year).

Google already has Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean. KitKat represents the first brand-name Android release. Will Google go back to the regular naming scheme for the next build (Lollipop, anyone?) or will the company continue with strategic brand partnerships? There's always Laffy Taffy if the partnership with Nestle works out.

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • jonathan1683
    from the CEO that says water is not a human right and should be privatized. No thanks.
  • cpatel1987
    I sense perhaps a coupon/discount scheme on the works.
  • g00fysmiley
    key lime pie is so much better than a kit kat... still as long at it doesn't in any way effect launch of 5.0 then they can call it crisco for all i care
  • okibrian
  • acadia11
    Slow day at the offi ce!
  • The Indomitable
    Key lime pie is one of the best desserts... second only to Lava Cake (that should be the next name for sure)
  • -Fran-
    I think its a very good deal for both.

    This feels like "fair play" in sports. Companies should start using it more often, money be damned, sometimes!

  • Caffeinecarl
    Seeing as Android is owned by Google and Google is an American company, and in America, KitKats are produced by Hershey, shouldn't they be produced by Hershey?

    (Since Hershey makes FAR better chocolate, anyway!)
  • someperson123
    Caffeinecarl, KitKat bar is made by Nestle, as the article suggests. Hershey has no association with KitKat, and never has.
  • jhansonxi
    Seems my hunch about a Kit Kat product tie-in was correct. The use of a trademarked name made it suspicious (looked what happened with M$ and the "Metro" name they had to drop).