EcoTerrorists With Bomb Arrested Near IBM Facility

Italians Costantino Ragusa and Silvia Guerini, and Italian-Swiss Luca Bernasconi, were arrested and jailed after police conducting a routine traffic stop found a bomb in their vehicle.  The three were stopped just a few miles from the IBM facility, which is due to open next year, on April 15. Police say a large quantity of explosives was found in the car. The AP reports that police also found a note indicating the planned attack on the facility.

The Daily Mail reports that all three were members of a terrorist group called Il Silvestre, while Gerini and Constantino – the 33-year-old leader of Il Silvestre - already have convictions for eco-terrorism offenses and have served time in prison.

According to DM, Swiss media reported that the intended bombing was planned to coincide with a secret meeting of European anarchists on April 16 and 17 in the Swiss town of Winterthur.

Read more here.

  • jellico
    Out of curiousity, why are these people considered eco-terrorists? It seems like they are more of the anti-technology variety. Or do they just believe that such human endeavors are raping the planet?
  • isamuelson
    How about just call them what they are - terrorists. I mean, if they were going to bomb the site, I don't what their motivations were, it was all based on causing terror and fear.

    Throw the book at them.
  • office_dude
    I guess they were upset that "Deep Blue" beat a human at chess!! Crazy people.
  • ehanger
    too bad it wasnt an apple facility
  • kriswitak
    First the terrorists ruin my favorite TV show South Park with threats, and now they want to destroy my technology?
  • danimal_the_animal
    You mean SKYNET, ROBOTS.


    So they finally caught the Connors.
  • romansky
    The AP reports that police also found a note indicating the planned attack on the facility.

    How convenient!
    They didnt happen to have a note about Global warming conspiracies did they? =/
  • schmich
    "The group describes itself as anarchist and is opposed to all forms of micro-technology as well as nuclear power and weapons."
    Weapons? Isn't that ironic?
    Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg: "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it"
    isamuelsonHow about just call them what they are - terrorists. I mean, if they were going to bomb the site, I don't what their motivations were, it was all based on causing terror and fear.Throw the book at them.And lets remove the names of all types of cancers? There are many different terrorists and if you just say "terrorists" to the average stupid Joe he thinks of some Taliban from Afghanistan.

    Just like the comment higher up about South Park. As much as that was a joke many people probably don't see that Islamic extremism is not the same thing as this - which is very important to differ if you want to get to the root of the problem.

    By the way...what book are you referring to?
  • gm0n3y
    I'm interested to hear why they chose IBM as a target. There must be more environmentally damaging companies out there than IBM.
  • micr0be
    i just wonder how secret was the secret meeting ?? ... i mean was it super duper secret? or just don't tell my mommy secret? ... i guess they are all using invisibility cloaks