Crytek Job Listing Reveals Intent to Bring CryEngine to Linux

According to a job posting on Crytek's site, CryEngine 3 may be coming to Linux.

Crytek is hiring a Linux programmer via their Frankfurt office. The posting states the following: "The CryENGINE team is looking for a Programmer to work on the Linux version of the 3d engine.


  • Maintain Linux support for CryENGINE.
  • Contribute to maintenance and improvements of low-level engine systems.
  • Ensure reliability of Unix based build systems for SDK releases and special projects."

Crytek's CryEngine 3, besides currently being used to develop the company's own games like Ryse and Warface, it is also being used to develop games like Cloud Imperium's Star Citizen and Undead Lab's State of Decay.

  • brandonjclark
    That'd be a tough job. No DirectX. You'd have to write it all over in GL.
  • Darkk
    Very good news to see more Linux support.
    I guess Windows 8 is THAT bad.
  • acktionhank
    This is great news. Now if we could only get some real support from AMD for their graphics drivers I'd be set.
  • mman74
    If I can play decent games on Linux, I will never buy another Windows license ever again!
  • martel80
    11178810 said:
    That'd be a tough job. No DirectX. You'd have to write it all over in GL.
    One could just write an adapter layer with DirectX interface and OpenGL implementation and run the engine on top of that. Easier said than done, I guess.
  • ohyouknow
    Steam+Linux. Big step forward.
  • Steveymoo
    This sounds like the job from hell! You would really need to know your stuff, windows, linux, direct x, and opengl programming environments.
  • Bloob
    Direct3D -> OpenGL libraries already exist, likely CryEngine uses some sort of wrapper interface already. So shouldn't be all that bad graphics-wise, but DirectX is much more than just D3D.
  • deftonian
    Crytek sure does release some beautiful games... but I feel their money would be better spent on community and game support. They pretty much abandoned Crysis 3 MP with all of the community up in a roar about it being unbalanced, unmonitored, and unsupported by Crytek staff. Still, it was better managed than C2 MP was but Crytek really needs to invest in long term support and updates before I will continue buying their products.