Facebook Sends Invites For Mysterious Event

Facebook has invited media to its Menlo Park, California headquarters for a mystery event that will see the unveiling of a new product/service.

The social network market leader sent out invitations to the media for an event that will take place on January 15 at 10 AM PT. Other than teasing "Come and see what we're building," no hints were divulged by the social giant.

Although founder and current CEO Mark Zuckerberg previously denied the existence of a Facebook smartphone, a HTC device named the Opera UL has been rumored as the first device powered by the social network.

He did, however, confirm the company's plan to launch a search engine, referring to the site's users conducting over 1 billion searches on a daily basis, with a team currently developing the service.

Facebook may also use the event as an opportunity to announce the rumored purchase of WhatsApp, which sends over a quarter of a trillion messages per month.

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  • maigo
    Is it tracking chips? I bet it's tracking chips.
  • mrmaia
    They're announcing the billionth spam account. Or it could be to say that their stocks hit the record low. Or a new privacy raping feature, or whatever.
  • hedwar2011
    Is he finally declaring he's the self-proclaimed ruler of the universe? Kind of reminds me of an episode of Pinky and the Brain from when I was a kid.
  • JamesSneed
    Pinky: Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tonight?
    The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.
  • tirvon
    *Snarf* How we gonna do that Brain?
  • wlachan
    And before you know it, everyone who walked pass that door, would have their IR see-through photos going public with implied consent.
  • wlachan
    Before you know it, everyone passed that door would have their IR see-through photos going public with implied consent.
  • wlachan
    Before you know it, everyone passed that door would have their IR see-through photos going public with implied consent.
  • wlachan
    Before you know it, everyone passed that door would have their IR see-through photos going public with implied consent.