Jowi Morales

Jowi Morales

Contributing Writer

Jowi Morales is a writer and journalist covering the tech beat since 2021. However, he’s been interested in technology far earlier than that. He started discovering desktop computers when his father brought home a Windows 95 PC, but his first real experience working under the hood of the PC was when the old computer’s hard drive was filled to the brim in the year 2000. He deleted the Windows folder to attempt to rectify the situation, which led to his dad buying a new desktop PC. Since then, he learned a lot more about computers, and he’s always been the go-to tech expert for his family and friends.

Jowi primarily uses a Windows workstation and an Android phone, but he also bought into the Apple ecosystem with the 6th-gen iPad, iPhone 14 Pro Max, and the M1 MacBook Air. Today, Jowi covers hardware and software from Redmond and Cupertino, while also looking at the tech industry in general.

Aside from covering technology, Jowi is an avid photographer and writes about automobiles, aviation, and tanks. You can find his bylines at MakeUseOf, SlashGear, and, of course, Tom’s Hardware.

Articles by: Jowi Morales