'Don't Tase Me Bro' Up For YouTube Award

Gainesville (FL) - The infamous video of a University of Florida student being tasered is a nominee for the 2007 YouTube Video Awards. Shot by the Gainesville Sun newspaper, the video shows UF student Andrew Meyer being wrestled to the ground by police officers on September 27th 2007 after he refused to leave a political event. Meyer resisted arrested and was tasered by police.

Video addicts can vote for their favorite videos of the year in several categories including inspirational, sport and eyewitness (the category where the taser video is located). On March 21st, YouTube will announce the winners. The winners will receive a trophy and be invited to an event later in the year.

While the the 'Don't Tase Me Bro' video is certainly award worthy, we think the remixed version 'Can't Tase This' should at least get an honorable mention. Is it bad that we cackle maniacally while watching it?

Read more ... Gainesville Sun.