EVGA Brings SLI Support To New Games Faster

Waiting for NVIDIA to add SLI profiles for newly released games and game demos to their drivers can be frustrating for owners of SLI systems, so EVGA has taken the initiative to produce a temporary workaround.

If using potentially flaky beta drivers is not your thing, then EVGA has another option. Known as the EVGA SLI Enhancement Patch, the workaround is essentially just adding SLI profiles created by EVGA before NVIDIA adds their own to new driver versions. EVGA aims to to enable SLI support within one day of the title being released.

The current version adds SLI profiles for Burnout Paradise and the Necrovision Demo using the DirectX 10 code path. If you are using a single dual-GPU card, the patch is also recommended. EVGA is only supporting Windows Vista as of the current version, but if there is sufficient demand for XP support, it will be considered.

While the patch may work on older driver versions, EVGA has only tested it with the current Release 182.05 WHQL drivers, so there are no guarantees for older drivers. As new games and demos are released, EVGA will update the patch to include profiles for these games. You can find the SLI Enhancement Patch on the EVGA website here (registration required to download).

  • kyeana
    Good news! And this is why EVGA will always be #1, unrivaled customer support.
  • brendano257
    "While the patch may work on older driver versions, EVGA has only tested it with the current Release 182.05 WHQL drivers"
  • randomizer
    brendano257"While the patch may work on older driver versions, EVGA has only tested it with the current Release 182.05 WHQL drivers"Yes... and?
  • ozarkamax
    randomizerYes... and?

    the guy probably just wanted to put emphasis on that part because it maybe vital to getting the evga workaround to work.
  • roofus
    it isnt a workaround. they are predefined profiles for SLI to save an individual the pain of optimizing their cards for specific games.
  • ozarkamax
    roofusit isnt a workaround. they are predefined profiles for SLI to save an individual the pain of optimizing their cards for specific games.
    yes ty capt obvious i also read the article. the article also addressed this as a workaround, however i understand what the actual solution is as would most people who can read.

    anybody else wanna nitpick? i got all night.
  • randomizer
    It is a workaround, because it is only a temporary "solution" while NVIDIA sits on their ass instead of making official profiles.
  • eklipz330
    good thing they're coming to ati's side as well... this is why nvidia cards are better for gaming, although i can't seem to part from buying ati cards...
  • 1raflo
    Dude.. for things like this, i always buy evga cards. You wont find any other company that puts so much emphasis on satisfying the costumer. evga ftw.
  • roofus
    randomizerIt is a workaround, because it is only a temporary "solution" while NVIDIA sits on their ass instead of making official profiles.
    it doesnt take much effort to do this. i am not taking anything away from EVGA for providing this feature but it isnt anything that a person cant do themselves. there probabably are a couple of games that may be a pain to get right but for the most part, someone running SLI is most likely a personality type that cant leave well enough alone and will create their own anyways and only revert to predefined profiles if they cant get a game working right. no magic to it.