DC Universe Online Trailer is a Real Fan Pleaser

It was Comic-Con last week, which was the perfect place to unveil a little more of the upcoming Sony MMO, DC Universe Online.

The release for this PC and PlayStation 3 game is set for November 2, and console gamers will be relieved to learn that there won't be any need for the PlayStation Plus subscription. The usual monthly MMO rates will still apply, though.

Check out this latest story trailer, which is filled purely with cinematics, but still quite entertaining for anyone who likes the DC Universe.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • welshmousepk
    yeah, i was pretty unexcited for this game, btu after this trailer I'm watching closely.

    granted its only cinematic, but if the game has as much attention to detail and the universe I'm sold. may be the MMO that hooks me until SW TOR. after a deluge of average MMOs (Aion springs immediately to mind), it will be nice to see something good, the real question then comes down to this, or FF 14...
  • Cy-Kill
    I found the trailer, it's about 6:15:

    DC Universe Online
  • xerroz
    Flash = a badass
  • sceen311
  • JPHD
    sounds like a good story to me.
  • brizzelsprout
  • brizzelsprout
    Too back Sony will make it suck like every other game they have touched.
  • jonpaul37
    i have complete faith in Sony, not as of late but rather back in the day when they actually cared about in-game content like in Everquest.
  • eklipz330
    anyone else think they should cancel the game and make a movie out of this?
  • sliem
    The cinematic is awesome but it all depends on the game and how SoE handles it. We'll see...