University bans Wikipedia-citing papers

Citing Wikipedia in your school projects and papers is now a big no no at Middlebury College in Middlebury Vermont. The History department in the small liberal arts college has banned citing the popular online encyclopedia. Students who continue citing could face reduce grades or even failure from the class.

Don Wyatt, the chair of the History department, told Inside Higher Ed reporters that Wikipedia has proven to be untrustworthy from an academic standpoint. "Even though Wikipedia may have some value, particularly from the value of leading students to citable sources, it is not itself an appropriate source for citation."

Wyatt also said other professors have had several students cite incorrect information, often from the same Wikipedia entry. No is no specified punishment for the first offense, but multiple offense could result in reduced grades or failure from the class. Students are allowed to use Wikipedia to find other sources or biographies.

Middlebury College is ranked within the top five liberal arts colleges in the United States. It has approximately 2,500 undergraduate students.