LaCie Shows Off 'Worlds Fastest Portable Storage'

CES is always good for firsts and fastests. By the end of the week, the show will have given us the world's fastest, the world's biggest, and the world's smallest across a range of product categories. LaCie is kicking things off today with the unveiling of its Little Big Disk, which it claims is the world's fastest portable storage solution.


The Little Big Disk is powered by a set of 500 GB PCIe Gen 2 SSDs in RAID 0 and Intel's Thunderbolt 2 technology. The drive delivers speeds of up to 1275 MB/s and is capable of streaming and edition 4K or 3D video, allowing users to work directly from RAW.


Pricing for the drive has not yet been announced, but we'll keep you posted on that front (hint: it probably won't be cheap). Availability is set for sometime this quarter, though we have nothing more specific than that right now. 

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • Quarkzquarkz
    Raid 0 with Thunderbolt.. what an ingenious idea..
  • jasonelmore
    It's the first device (non apple) to use PCI Express Storage. These Lacie units come with SSD's already installed. Expect prices to be anywhere from $1500 to $2000 since it has 2X 512GB Samsung SSD's in them.
  • ipwn3r456
    Well no derp two SSDs in RAID 0 will get you fast speeds... but pricing?
  • Morbus
    I don't expect it to be bellow 1000USD.
  • iam2thecrowe
    worlds fastest, and worlds most expensive
  • araczynski
    so how many 4k movies will fit on 500gb? maybe 4? :)
  • Au_equus
    One 512GB Samsung pro is $400. Anything above $1000 is not worth it.
  • Morbus
    12374176 said:
    One 512GB Samsung pro is $400. Anything above $1000 is not worth it.

    Not worth it for you. You could just as well say that a 500GB Seagate is $60 and anything above $100 is not worth it.
    This thing is twice the speed of the 512GB Samsung Pro, it's ready-built and looks nice. If that's what you want, nothing else is worth it.

    It's like saying that a fancy watch is not worth it, because a 1$ watch will do just the same... Well...

    If I do have my say, though, anything portable that costs more than 100$ is not worth it. But that's me, who don't need portable and earn 800$ a month...
  • Draven35
    Well, at least it won't likely overheat like many of their small hard drive casings do.