Roadmap May Reveal Windows 8 Date

With Windows 7 poised like a racehorse huffing at the start gate, it's hard to imagine plans for the next version. However, if a leaked roadmap from the Italian Microsoft subsidiary is correct, consumers may see Windows 8 sometimes around 2012. Granted it's easy to doctor a roadmap image using Photoshop and whatnot, a new OS three years from now certainly isn't unlikely.

This blog points out the tilda next to the date, indicating that Microsoft isn't exactly locked on a 2012 deadline, giving the company some breathing room. "That tilda keeps things nice 'n loose for Microsoft's public deadline, but if Windows 7's development is exemplary of how future versions of Windows are to be developed, (2nd half of) 2012 could be considered a worst-case scenario for the delivery of Windows 8 Server," the blog reads.

As pointed out by PC Games Hardware, Microsoft's chief of development Steven Sinofsky introduced a method of planning conservative release dates with Windows 7 to prevent another Windows Vista scenario. With that said, Microsoft may internally target an earlier release date with Windows 8.

  • maigo
    Pure 64bit?
  • tipoo
    I wonder if they will break the good-bad-good-bad release cycle.
  • Chipi
    It seems that M$ is using the intel Tick-Tock strategy.
    Windows 2000 (5.0) -> Windows XP (5.1)
    Windows Vista (6.0) -> Windows 7 (6.1)
    And the actual ver.7 will be dubbed Windows 8 :D
  • V3NOM
    maigoPure 64bit?please.
  • fuser
    Code Name "Windows 8"? Where did they come up with that crazy name?
  • doomtomb
    But will it be another iteration of Vista? No offense to 7, I like it but are they going to do something new in 8?
  • WheelsOfConfusion
    fuserCode Name "Windows 8"? Where did they come up with that crazy name?It's an engram left by body thetans!
  • jj463rd
    So does that mean that somewhere around the year 2273 A.D. we will see Windows 95 again.
  • rambo117
    tipooI wonder if they will break the good-bad-good-bad release cycle.haha, was just thinkin the same thing.. looks like we may be hangin onto 7 for a bit longer than three years *gulp*
  • AMDnoob
    god, how can you buy windows 7 when you can see windows 8 around the corner. OS's are tough, although i guess the entire computer industry is tough on consumers wanting the most. Every month the bar gets set higher, and higher, and higher. It's killin me!