Introducing Tom's Hardware Community Heralds

Extra, extra, read all about it!

If you're a fan of Tom's Hardware, you're probably getting the latest in tech news here. But we want you to get more than that. We also want you to be able to discuss that news with your like-minded peers. In an attempt you bring you the latest and greatest discussion, we have appointed Community Heralds. Our Heralds scour the Internet for stories you may want to discuss. They're currently in PC Gaming, CPUs and Windows 10, but you may see more soon!

They'll post a story and start a place for you to talk about it. When the Tom's Hardware's news side runs something more in depth, we'll add that, too. These posts will provide places for the Tom's Hardware's expert users (that means you) to talk about the latest news all the time.

Here's an example of one thread you may have already seen.

Our first two Heralds are James Mason and Joseph DeGarmo. You can throw your name in the mix here.

This is your chance to share your views on trending topics whenever you like. And if you show great judgment, maybe you'll be our next Herald!

We can't wait to hear what you have to say about the latest topics.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments!

Tom's Hardware Community

The Tom's Hardware forum community is a powerful source of tech support and discussion on all the topics we cover from 3D printers, single-board computers, SSDs, and GPUs to high-end gaming rigs. Articles written by the Tom's Hardware Community are either written by the forum staff or one of our moderators.

  • TechyInAZ
    I like this! Good idea Tom's Hardware!
  • gangrel
    If we have James Mason, where's Henry Fonda?
  • jabliese
    Too confusing. I propose all the Heralds be named Harold.
  • Titillating
    But then we'd just have a bunch of Community Harold's. That would be super confusing if I ever needed to speak to a specific Harold!
  • James Mason
  • f-14
    wow, if only i would work up the motivation to start a national news paper or magazine where the readers did most of the work for me, and advertisers just paid me to run ads next to their blogs.....oh wait some one already did that with youtube and reddit.

    now if only there was a way to fire all those pesky employees asking for handouts....hmmm internships and profit sharing of .01%
  • Th_Redman
    I've been a member for what...5 years now, and reside in eastern Canada and wish that Tom's could find a way for us Canadians to be able to enter in the prize draws at some point. If they(Tom's) really wanted to include us, they would find a way. Just sayin...
  • James Mason
    16463615 said:
    I've been a member for what...5 years now, and reside in eastern Canada and wish that Tom's could find a way for us Canadians to be able to enter in the prize draws at some point. If they(Tom's) really wanted to include us, they would find a way. Just sayin...

    Write your representatives and ask them to change the laws about contests.
  • jpishgar
    now if only there was a way to fire all those pesky employees asking for handouts....hmmm internships and profit sharing of .01%

    A couple of items: this program is not an effort to crowdsource our reporters. We're not interested in doing that. This is a program initiated from the Community Team to capture discussion on news items that may otherwise fall through the cracks, or go a while before our own Editorial team covers them in-depth. Naturally, we want to afford our users the opportunity to discuss news as it breaks here in our forums.

    As for volunteers, we currently have a magnificent group of volunteer Moderators who help keep the forums safe and clean for users. They do this of their own accord with graciously donated time and effort to help a community they love. They are given a broad latitude to conduct themselves, and are held to standards they themselves help set. The Heralds is a similar program, but geared more towards the users already engaging in discussion on the latest news items they scrounge up and bring forward - only this will help organize and direct the effort. It's a great ground-level volunteer opportunity to garner some experience in the field, make some connections, and be recognized for their contribution to the community.

    As for interns - yeah, we aren't that kind of company. We have precious few interns at Purch. We're not a content factory that exists to exploit human capital, and people development is one of the big components to our success so far. Case in point, on the Community Team, I've had one intern in recent memory, and within 3 months of proving himself, Kevin (user: Titillating) was moved up to full-time Assistant Community Manager. And I know my colleagues on other teams take the same approach.

    5 years now, and reside in eastern Canada and wish that Tom's could find a way for us Canadians to be able to enter in the prize draws at some point.

    We're working on it. It's really, really complicated, and we don't want to get our butts sued right off because we were careless.
