Chrome Climbed Above Firefox in Market Share Ranking

StatCounter data suggests that, on a global basis, the number of people using Chrome exceeded those who were using Firefox last Sunday. Chrome beat Firefox with a market share of 26.22% versus 26.16%. It's not much and it was just one day, but it is a significant event as Chrome has caught up with Firefox on weekend days.

Chrome has substantially higher market share on weekends than during the week and the current data implies that the browser needs about four to six weeks to catch up with any number on a weekend on an average market share basis. If this trend holds up, then we should be seeing Chrome match average Firefox market share by mid- to end-November.

For the first half of the month, Chrome averaged 24.85%, which is more than 1.2 points up from last month, while Firefox is slightly down to 26.68%. IE has fallen for the first half of the month below the 40% mark and was estimated at 39.99%.

Chrome market share is, just as it is the case with all other browsers significantly fragmented across the world. In North America, for example, Chrome share is only 20.01%, while it is at 40.82% in South America, according to StatCounter.

  • Pherule
    Mass advertising will do wonders for you.
  • nikorr
    Well, that was expected.
  • billybobser
    Interesting how google have gone from a data stealing company to saviour of the universe.

    Apparently selling your data makes your browser go faster.
  • Wish I Was Wealthy
    Yeah! I'll have to agree with "Pherule". Although it is a good browser & may even be better than Mozilla's Firefox, but not even close to Mozilla's Aurora though.
  • Goldengoose
    Has anyone confirmed whether StatCounter is actually accurate considering the majority of FF users have noscript?
  • Each time google touch something it became first, boring

    Posted from a Virtual Private Desktop "VPU"
  • amk-aka-Phantom
    So? No problem wuth that. Chrome is great. I personally prefer FF, but "market share" is only important to a "common user" who judges products by the amount of people who use them. Also, "market share" doesn't seem like an appropriate term since both browsers are free.
  • tical2399
    Unless I can get something like ad block plus in chrome without a bunch of work arounds i'll stick with FF
  • Dark Lord of Tech
    Chrome can't touch Firefox!
  • ljj0772
    GoldengooseHas anyone confirmed whether StatCounter is actually accurate considering the majority of FF users have noscript?
    got the point