Galaxy Note 3 With 6.3-Inch Display Could be in The Works

Samsung is said to be working on the Galaxy Note 2's successor, with the Galaxy Note 3 apparently sporting a 6.3-inch display.

According to The Korea Times, local parts suppliers have discussed a 6.3-inch OLED screen for Samsung's Galaxy Note 3. Comparatively, the Galaxy Note 2's screen has a 5.5-inch display.

Samsung's Galaxy Note 2, a device that has sold upwards of 5 million units in two months, was already considered to be pushing the boundaries of smartphone sizes, subsequently spearheading the market known as "phablets", a hybrid between tablets and handsets.

The company isn't alone in that market, though. Huawei is rumored to be working on the Ascend Mate, which reportedly boasts a 6.1-inch display.

Elsewhere, the Korea Times also claimed that an unveiling of Samsung's Galaxy S4 will take place during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next February. Samsung, however, recently hinted at a CES reveal a month earlier, telling consumers to "get ready" as "the world is waiting".

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  • I have the Note 1 at 5.3 inches and was thinking on upgrading to the Note 2 next month but I better wait If I truly want the most gigantic phone ever in the 3. People will really freak out when I whip that bad boy out. They already do with my phone now.
  • azathoth
    If they release a device with a 6.3" screen, then I advise they create a new lineup rather than using the Galaxy Note name.
  • livebriand
    OK, this is just getting ridiculous...
  • adgjlsfhk
    I want the galexy note 4, it will have a 15 inch screen, I5 processor, and a full querty keyboard. I call it the laptop.
  • ehanger
    If only the iPhone 5 had a screen this big, then maybe it would be worth buying. Screen size is like penis size, the bigger the better.
  • greghome
    IMO, these phones are getting too big.....
    I feel more comfortable with something around a SII's size
  • assasin32
    This is getting crazy I originally wanted a galaxy note II or samsung SIII before. Than my droid Incredible just bit the dust within the last week so I got my excuse to do an upgrade.

    So yesterday I was in the store looking at the phones, the galaxy note II is freaking huge, I do mean huge. I am a pretty big guy and that phone is a mini tablet it's not a phone, it is too large to carry in my opinion.

    The SIII was more resonable in terms of size but I opted to just go with the Rarz M since it's cheaper and is mostly on par with the SIII in terms of specs that matter to me while still being cheaper and smaller with a 4.3in screen while maintaining the same approximate size as my droid incredible without the extended battery (so close in fact I have it charging in the incredible's case I have instead of leaving it on the table).
  • Well the Note 1 I have which is slightly wider then the Note 2 does fit in your jeans pocket. I'm a above average sized guy not big hands but I find it takes about 2 weeks to get used to the size then its ok. I dont talk on the phone hardly but using it for text/email and everyday internet use especially on a 4G LTE signal can't be beat by any other phone. The S3 is its little sister. If they can manage to make the screen 6.3 inches and keep the frame around it as close to the existing Notes it wont be impossible to keep on you. I imagine once you see that 1080p vivid screen combined with top notch hardware it will blow most people away and be worth having.
  • obsama1
    The Note II is on the threshold of pocket-able. 6.3" is just insane. No pants can hold it, and unless you can palm a basketball, it will be impossible to hold, much less use, with one hand.
  • lemlo
    THIS IS UNNACCEPTABLE! I want my 42in television running android with a 64gb microsd card slot! I also want it no thinner than a pencil and as smooth a sheet of ice!!!! If I'm not constantly dropping this device on the concrete is IS NOT UNWEILDY ENOUGH!!!