Logic Supply Runs Over a PC With a Toyota Pickup Truck

A short while ago the folks over at Logic Supply decided that the teeny weeny amount of negative feedback they got about one of their videos attempting to destroy one of their PCs was too much. The original video, as seen below, showed someone hitting a AU912 with a bat, in a bit of a restrained fashion:

After the negative feedback, Logic Supply decided to give the man another attempt at bashing the PC with a bat, in a way that showed a bit more aggression:

Of course, Logic Supply had to live up to its promise of running over it with a truck, and so Chris Hovious did:

While we can still question in what kind of scenario any PC would 'accidentally' get run over by a truck, there is some comfort to be found in knowing that if, just if, your neighbor is getting tired of your loud music and decides to run over your PC, he won't succeed in destroying it.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • bartosz trzaska
    what if it was standing upwards ? and then hit it with a car , wonder how far it would fly ......
  • osamabinrobot
    how do i get that job?
  • bartosz trzaska
    what if it was standing upwards ? and then hit it with a car , wonder how far it would fly ......
  • alxianthelast
    bogus.. that toyota was filled with helium.
  • hotroderx
    I think the real question is does the PC still run after being ran over? The shock vibration etc just from being thrown around like that could have destroyed the internals. While leaving the out side in good condition. I would have liked to see them hook it up and used it.
  • Uberragen21
    @alxianthelast "bogus.. that toyota was filled with helium."
    I had my toes run over by an ignorant idiot with a SUV and much to my surprise, I barely felt it. Those pickups and SUVs with large tires distribute the weight over a MUCH greater area. The total weight distribution is literally in the 3-4 pounds per square inch. The baseball bat demonstration is more destructive.
  • Seriously Casual
    But will it blend?
  • falchard
    But what happens when they use a real pickup instead of a "Toy"ota?
    Lets see an Airbus A380 run over one of those things.
  • southernshark
    They should let me try to destroy it. Then I'd be more impressed.