Extra Crysis 2 Screenshots: NYC at Night

Crysis 2, the new game by which to measure your gaming rig up against. But it'll also be coming to consoles, which is good news for those who don't have beefy computer systems.

The guys at Crytek promise that regardless of system, it'll be one of the best looking games available to the platform.

While we know how impressive the CryEngine is when dealing with lush, outdoor, brightly lit environments, let's take a look at how Crysis 2 will look when showing off the Big Apple at night.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • cobot
    Hmm.... I gotta say that the little enjoyment I got from playing crysis came from the fact that the setting was the in Jungle...Dunno how this will be.. Guess we will find out soon enough...
  • baracubra
    I have to agree with Cobot. There are so many games that take place in urban areas, and crysis was unique in the sense that it was set on an island in a jungle that actually looked good, unlike some COD games' jungle scenery *cough cough*.

    Regardless, I will be getting this on its first day release and will cherish the opportunity to play another crytek/CryEngine game!
  • valcron
    Maybe it mentioned but I didn't see it. What platform are these screenshots from?
    why does the 3rd one down remind me of the transformers movie...
  • psycho sykes
    This makes me cry!!
    I'm afraid that even my new system might die trying to run it..
    I hope that developing it for consoles means better graphics AND performance on the PC platform..
  • joytech22
    Finally a semi-freeroam first person shooter with massively destructive environments, amazing visuals, awesome performance (to be tested!), amazing physics and firefights!

    This is going to be the killer game i reckon! one that console users may very well appreciate for a VERY long time!
  • halls
    Think I'm gonna wait on reviews for this one. Crysis was great for a few hours before I hit the aliens, whose main weapon was boredom/making all of my suit powers feel irrelevant.
  • balister
    cobotHmm.... I gotta say that the little enjoyment I got from playing crysis came from the fact that the setting was the in Jungle...Dunno how this will be.. Guess we will find out soon enough...
    You're still fighting in a jungle here, it's just concrete... ;)
  • joytech22
    balisterYou're still fighting in a jungle here, it's just concrete...
    Oh how that reminds me of that xbox game, "Predator: Concrete Jungle"
  • marraco
    Looks like another flavor of FEAR 2.

    Without the nature environment, how will be possible to stalk enemies hiding in the forest?